LoL Buddy is a web application, which caters to League of Legends computer game enthusiasts. The objective of the application is to help users keep track of their favourite players. A complete list of features is as follows.
- User login and registration
- Player search
- Player profile page
- Player leaderboard
- List of favourited players
- Champion search form
- Champion profile page
The application was written in Python and uses Flask as the web framework. The front end consists of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Various AWS components were chosen to develop LoL Buddy, including Elastic Beanstalk, S3, DynamoDB, API Gateway, Lambda and CloudSearch. Other external services, such as Google Chart API, League of Legends API and League of Legends Data Dragon, were also used.
The application is no longer on the AWS platform, but all the code can be found here. The main application code is in the “app” folder. The “predeployment” folder consists of scripts that were used to set up certain AWS components. The code that was run by Lambda is in the “lambda_functions” folder.