👉 https://github.com/golclinics/golclinics-dsa/tree/main/assignments
Assignment will be posted on Microsoft Teams (Specific Channel) after every lesson by the GOL Ambassadors.
To submit your assignments please follow the instructionsbelow: 1.All assignments will be done and uploaded to GitHub and the link to the assignment submitted to Microsoft Teams.
2.Visit https://github.com/golclinics/golclinics-assignments and fork the repository.
3.Clone the newly forked repository to your computer and create a folder with our Github username e.g octacat
4.Inside it create another folder named as the respective lesson e.g.,Stacksand Queues 1 and inside it create files related to your assignment.
Below is asample folder structure.
golclinics-assignments\octacat\Stacks and Queues 1
5.Commit your changes, push,and make a pull request.
Any questions, please contact us at: gol-ambassadors@stdntpartners.onmicrosoft.com