A personal repository where I place from time to time some ideas, that I am putting into practice in Quantum Computing. At the moment:
- A notebook where I studied the main ideas of a review on Variational Quantum Algorithms.
- A Python script where I implement Grover's algorithm based on the following references 1, 2, and 3. This script simulates Grover's algorithm with Qiskit for an arbitrary number of qubits, returning the desired eigenvector in an optimal number of repetitions. For this I create a class where I include both the oracle, the diffuser, and the number of times this circuit will be repeated. When the script is executed, the user enters as parameters the number of qubits as well as the element to be searched (example '110' for 3 qubits, or '01010' for 5 qubits).
- I presented a review notebook and its corresponding presentation (in Spanish) to the QuantumQuipu interns. The focus of my talk was on utilizing quantum circuits to effectively solve ordinary differential equations (EDO). I began by providing an introduction to the significance and motivation behind differential equations (DE) and explained the advantages offered by quantum computing (QC). We delved into topics such as solving linear differential equations (LDE) and systems of linear equations or coupled linear equations with the HHL algorithm.
- As part of the Qiskit Fall Fest Latino 2023, we participated in several activities in the field of quantum computing. We developed an educational game using Ren'Py, completed a challenge with PennyLane from Xanadu, and worked on solving the task scheduling problem using openQAOA and Qiskit. You can find more details about each of these initiatives in the Quantumaniacs GitHub repository.
I am making this repository public in order to receive feedback and suggestions from the GitHub community on my computational quantum practice. Please feel free to leave comments or open issues if you have any feedback!