CarstenHennig/carstenhennig is a β¨ special β¨ repository because its
(this file) appears on your GitHub profile.

Here are some ideas to get you started:
- π Iβm currently studying Data Analytics at Turing College and Data Science at TechLabs Hamburg (in a summer term)
- π± Iβm currently working with Svelte, React, SQL, PHP and Python
- π― Iβm looking to collaborate on several platforms
- π€ Iβm looking for help with JS, TS, React, HTML & CSS, Svelte, Python, communication, public relations, video & audio broadcasting
- π¬ Ask me about editing and managing digital media platforms
- π« How to reach me:, +49 176 50326719,
- π Pronouns: he / him
- β‘ Fun fact: I started as a volunteer firefighter in age of 47
- Lat, Long 53.5700145,9.9511788