Allow to set an image to each category, not only a color.
Display remote URL in synchronization options modal window.
Add new basemaps to the list.
Implement geocoding API on CartoDB.
Use different schema for temporal geocoding tables.
Improve the way we detect the date columns.
Implement interface to HERE geocoding API.
Implement CartoDB bindings to HERE interface.
Link the new geocoding API to the UI.
Change timestamps by timestamptz.
Fixed Bugs
Allow image besides of color in the legends.
False values in color wizard are interpreted as null in the legends.
Add privacy explanation on the create new table window.
Test category wizard, checking old color wizard applied.
Layout error when searching tables.
Remove marker-allow-overlap property from choropleth points wizard.
Fix header visualization frontend tests.
Add .tsv to supported import formats.
Implement changes on the georeference window UI.
Rename a table with capital letter fails.
NAD83 Projection not working.
When changing sync table freq you need to reload in order to get the correct "next sync time".
Dropbox 401 gets imported on sync tables.
Dashboard URL with parameters makes the page to fail partially.
Add .txt .tsv to the list of supported extensions in the importer.
HTML problem with geocoding limit copy.
Each time you open sync "view options", the dropdown removes first option.
Dashboard pagination not switching page content.
Error while using the wizards.
Error on geocoder window when being over quota.
Make CDB_UserTables test more stable by ordering multirecord results.
Add "make check" rule.
Features/cdb transform to webmercator improvement.
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