Implemented Torque accumulative visualization.
Faster CDB_TransformToWebmercator when input is already mercator.
Added the type of the columns shown on the column selector for the filters.
Added autocomplete in legends.
Way to Activate/deactivate automatic geocoder.
Running the testsuite is easier now.
Disabled geocoder on sync tables.
Enabled default max/min zoom for google basemaps.
Deprecated the getLayerByIndex method and added a more descriptive one.
Fixed Bugs
Torque visualization doesn't work as expected for a multiday GPS track.
Table rename errors aren't shown in the UI.
Torque visualizations under IE9 + Windows 7 are not showing canvas layer.
Density legend is not showing the min,max values. It's showing left and right value.
Sanitize in-cell line breaks (<8d> unicode character) when processing CSV and Excel files.
When moving from CategoryLegend to CustomLegend, copy the items.
Removed the persist param on calls to tiles at cartodb.js
Deactivate zoom when not having more levels available.
Unix timestamp not being correctly converted to date (#290 ).
Changed ZXY url to XYZ.
Selecting an Intensity Wizard disables the associated legend.
User can't add a Mapbox basemap.
Clean up Importer2::Ogr2ogr spec.
last_visualization_created_at is causing a ton of queries.
Layers visibility is not working in embed map.
Explain that a user needs to publicly share a file in GDrive before importing.
Label allow-overlap changed to toggle on the Wizards.
Fixed broken acceptance specs.
Fixed typo in carto_db.rb (by @robinkraft #301 ).
You can’t perform that action at this time.