📝 App dissenyada per promocionar el comerç de proximitat - Video demo
- Registre a partir d'un email ✉️
- Formulari per botiguers per registrar la seva botiga 📝
- Cerca de botigues per proximitat i ocupació :mag:
- Control automatic dels estats de les compres 🔄
- Botiguers validen compres amb un QR 📱
- Emmagatzematge de les compres per poder fer una possible oferta cada 5 compres 👛
Necessita: Python 3.X, virtualenv
git clone https://github.com/Casassarnau/confinappComerce.git
virtualenv env --python=python3
source ./env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py createsuperuser
(crea admin per administrar l'aplicació)
- REGISTRATION_TOKEN: Token que dona accès al comprador per poder-se registrar a la app
- Configuració (vist previament)
- Configuració de les variables requerides de l'entorn (vist previament)
python manage.py runserver
- Entra al teu navegador web, relaxa't i gaudeix!
- is_client: Usuari normal, pot fer compres i anar a comprar per acceptar-les
- is_shopAdmin: Deixa a l'usuari registrar una botiga i donar permisos als seus treballadors
- is_admin: Deixa entrar a la interficie d'Admin de Django
- Colors i presentació: hackovid/static/style.css
- Plantilla base i NavBar: hackovid/templates/base.html
Pots canviar el formulari: textos i camps a (app)/forms.py. Per exemple (shop): shop/forms.py
Si necesites nous camps per els teus models
- Actualitza els camps: app/models.py. Per example (shop): shop/models.py
python manage.py makemigrations
- Fes test i modifica les migracions per aixì no borrar la base de dades
python manage.py migrate
GPL-2.0 © Rita Geleta, Alberto López Sánchez, Arnau Cinca Roca i Arnau Casas Saez
📝 App designed to promote local commerce - Video demo
- Email sign up ✉️
- Shop Registration form for owners 📝
- Search less ocupied local shops nearby :mag:
- Automatic control of purchase expired, pending or accepted 🔄
- Personal shopper validates purchase with QR 📱
- Saves purchases in order to make a possible offer to the client 👛
Needs: Python 3.X, virtualenv
git clone https://github.com/Casassarnau/confinappComerce.git
virtualenv env --python=python3
source ./env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py createsuperuser
(creates super user to manage all the app)
- REGISTRATION_TOKEN: Token that gives acces to shop owners or workers to register in the app
- Set up (see above)
- Set Available enviroment variables (see above)
python manage.py runserver
- Enter in your browser and enjoy!
- is_client: Regular user. Can make a purchase and then go shop to accept it.
- is_shopAdmin: Allows user to register shop and give it acces to other shopAdmins
- is_admin: Allows user to enter Django Admin interface
- Colors and presentation: hackovid/static/style.css
- Base template & Navbar: hackovid/templates/base.html
You can change the form, titles, texts in app/forms.py. For example (shop): shop/forms.py
If you need extra labels for the app, you can change it and add your own fields.
- Update model with specific fields: app/models.py. For example (shop): shop/models.py
python manage.py makemigrations
- Test & modify the migrations in order to don't delete any existent field from the data base.
python manage.py migrate
GPL-2.0 © Rita Geleta, Alberto López Sánchez, Arnau Cinca Roca i Arnau Casas Saez