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CRISPR, faster, better – The Crackling method for whole-genome target detection


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Faster and better CRISPR guide RNA design with the Crackling method

Jacob Bradford, Timothy Chappell, Dimitri Perrin

bioRxiv 2020.02.14.950261; doi:


The design of CRISPR-Cas9 guide RNAs is not trivial, and is a computationally demanding task. Design tools need to identify target sequences that will maximise the likelihood of obtaining the desired cut, whilst minimising off-target risk. There is a need for a tool that can meet both objectives while remaining practical to use on large genomes.

Here, we present Crackling, a new method that is more suitable for meeting these objectives. We test its performance on 12 genomes and on data from validation studies. Crackling maximises guide efficiency by combining multiple scoring approaches. On experimental data, the guides it selects are better than those selected by others. It also incorporates Inverted Signature Slice Lists (ISSL) for faster off-target scoring. ISSL provides a gain of an order of magnitude in speed compared to other popular tools, such as Cas-OFFinder, Crisflash and FlashFry, while preserving the same level of accuracy. Overall, this makes Crackling a faster and better method to design guide RNAs at scale.

Crackling is available at under the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) 3-Clause license.


  • ISSL-based search off-target sites (included)

  • Bowtie2

  • RNAfold

  • sgRNAScorer 2.0 model (included)

  • Python v3.6+

Installation & Usage

  1. Clone or download the source.

    git clone ~/Crackling/
    cd ~/Crackling
  2. Install using pip

    python3.6 -m pip install -e .

    Important: the dot . indicates that pip will run from the current working directory.

    The -e flag is for editable,

    -e Install a project in editable mode (i.e. setuptools "develop mode") from a local project path or a VCS url.

  3. Configure the pipeline. See config.ini.

  4. Ensure Bowtie2 and RNAfold are reachable system-wide, by adding them to your environments PATH variable.

    Check these are reachable by typing (the version numbers and directories may differ slightly):

    $ bowtie2 --version
    /home/<user>/bowtie2- version
    Built on UbuntuDesktopMachine
    Monday 25 June  09:17:27 AEST 2018
    Compiler: gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.9)
    Options: -O3 -m64 -msse2 -funroll-loops -g3 -std=c++98 -DPOPCNT_CAPABILITY
    Sizeof {int, long, long long, void*, size_t, off_t}: {4, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8}
    $ RNAfold --version
    RNAfold 2.4.14
  5. Compile the off-target indexing and scoring functions. An index of off-targets is required: to prepare this, read in the Utilities section (Off-target Indexing).

  6. Create a Bowtie2 index

    The Bowtie2 manual can be found here.

    Our recommended usage:

    bowtie2-build --threads 128 input-file output-file

    For example:

    bowtie2-build --threads 128 ~/genomes/mouse.fa ~/genomes/mouse.fa.bowtie2

    Bowtie2 produces multiple files for its index. When referring to the index, use the base-name (i.e. output-file) that you provided bowtie2-build.

  7. Configure the Crackling pipeline by editing config.ini.

  8. Run the pipeline:

    Crackling -c config.ini


The Crackling package provides a number of utilities:

  • Off-target indexing (including extracting target sites and generating the ISSL index)
  • Counting targeted transcripts per guide RNA
  • Retraining the provided sgRNAScorer 2.0 model (if needed)

Off-target Indexing

  1. Extract off-target sites:

    extractOfftargets <output-file>  {<input-files>... | input-dir>}

    For example:

    extractOfftargets ~/genomes/mouse_offtargets.txt ~/genomes/mouse.fa

    The input provided can be:

    • A single, or a space sperated list, of multi-FASTA formatted files

    • A directory, for which we scan every file by parsing, using glob: <input-dir>/*

    Note: Unlike previous versions, sorting the extracted off-targets is no longer required as completes this automatically now.

  2. Generate the index:

    usage: createIsslIndex [-h] -t OFFTARGETS -l GUIDELENGTH -w SLIDEWIDTH -o
                           OUTPUT [-b BINARY]
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -t OFFTARGETS, --offtargets OFFTARGETS
                            A text file containing off-target sites
      -l GUIDELENGTH, --guidelength GUIDELENGTH
                            The length of an off-target site
      -w SLIDEWIDTH, --slidewidth SLIDEWIDTH
                            The ISSL slice width in bits
      -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                            A filepath to save the ISSL index
      -b BINARY, --binary BINARY
                            A filepath to the createIsslIndex binary (optional)

    For example:

    For a 20bp sgRNA where up to four mismatches are allowed, use a slice width of eight (4 mismatches * 2 bits per mismatch)

    createIsslIndex -t ~/genomes/mouse_offtargets.txt -l 20 -w 8 - o ~/genomes/mouse_offtargets-sorted.txt.issl

    A progress indicator is printed to stderr, like so:

    8576/8583 : 6548

    8577/8583 : 6549

    8578/8583 : 6549

    8579/8583 : 6549

    8580/8583 : 6549

    8581/8583 : 6549

    8582/8583 : 6549

    8583/8583 : 6550

    formatted as <current line of input file> / <number of lines in input file> : <running total of distinct sites>.

    This is indicating that the 6549'th distinct site has been seen on lines 8577 through 8582.

    The indicator is provided for every 10,000 input lines that are processed, and for every of the last 100 input lines.

Counting targeted transcripts per guide RNA

Using the CLI command countHitTranscripts:

usage: countHitTranscripts [-h] [-a ANNOTATION] [-c CRACKLING] [-o OUTPUT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s, --sample          Run sample

  -a ANNOTATION, --annotation ANNOTATION
                        The GFF3 annotation file
  -c CRACKLING, --crackling CRACKLING
                        The Crackling output file
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        The output file

For example, two guides, A and B, have been selected by Crackling as safe and efficient. How many transcripts of a gene do each guide target?

Exons are presented by |||||.

Chromosome 1:

 (Target A)    (Target B)  (Target C)    (Target D)
		 *             *           *             *                           
   ----||*|||-------|||*|||------||*|||----------*--- (Gene 1 - Transcript 1)
   ----||*|||----------*---------||*|||----------*--- (Gene 1 - Transcript 2)
   ------*----------|||*|||------||*|||----------*--- (Gene 1 - Transcript 3)
   ------*-----------------------||*|||----------*--- (Gene 1 - Transcript 4)
		 *             *           *             *      

Use --sample to run the utility for the example above:

$ countHitTranscripts --sample
Writing test data to file.
The expected results from the test are:
AAAA 2/4
AAAT 2/4
AATA 4/4
ATAA 0/0

Pickled to: /tmp/tmp68qd5n6y.p
['seq', 'bowtieChr', 'bowtieStart', 'bowtieEnd', 'hits']
['AAAA', 'Chr1', '60', '83', '2/4']
['AAAT', 'Chr1', '200', '223', '2/4']
['AATA', 'Chr1', '320', '343', '4/4']
['ATAA', 'Chr1', '460', '483', '0/0']

Training the sgRNAScorer 2.0 model (if needed)

We provided a pre-trained model, however, dependent on your environment (Python and package versions), you may need to retrain it, using the CLI command trainModel. All arguments to this command are optional, as the utility will compute the default values for you.

Using user specified arguments
usage: trainModel [-h] -g GOOD -b BAD -s SPACERLENGTH -p PAMORIENTATION -l
                  PAMLENGTH -o SVMOUTPUT

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -g GOOD, --good GOOD
  -b BAD, --bad BAD


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CRISPR, faster, better – The Crackling method for whole-genome target detection







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