Releases: CedModV2/CedMod
CedMod Release 3.3.2 - NWApi
This Release Targets SCPSL Versions: 12.0.0
Note: This version Targets the scpsl christmas version
V: 3.3.2
- Fixed externallookup breaking if you dont select any players
- Fixed report notification broadcasts.
- Added a jail system (look at the response of "help jail")
CedMod Release 3.3.1 - NWApi
This Release Targets SCPSL Versions: 12.0.0
Note: This version ONLY Supports the pluginapi-beta branch of the SCP:SL Dedicated Server. You can find the branch password in the announcements channel in the NWApi discord.
V: 3.3.1
- Stopped console spam about userprefs
- Mutes should be fixed now (let us know if it isnt)
- Log rooms in TeamkillLogs
- AutoUpdater will download the update on round end, and install and restart on round restart.
CedMod Release 3.3.0 - NWApi
This Release Targets SCPSL Versions: 12.0.0
V: 3.3.0
- Implemented Experimental Audio API (Not usable yet)
- Support for the new panel api
- Supports for scpsl 12.0
Please report any bugs found to CedMod support.
Note; Some features may not work completely (room listing for teamkill logs) due to missing api,
This will be addressed in an update later.
The PermissionAPi is required
The full CommunityManagementPanel changelog can be found on
CedMod Release 3.2.0 - EXILED
This Release Targets Exiled Versions: 5.3.2
Rerelease of V3.2.0 for Exiled 5.3.2 with support for the 12.0 panel
The full CommunityManagementPanel changelog can be found on
Rerelease of V3.2.0 for exiled 5.3.2
Release of V3.2.0 but for compatability with exild 5.3.2 and the new SCPSL hotfix
DO NOT install if you are not using exiled 5.3.2 or the new scpsl hotfix
V: 3.2.0
- All QuerySystem requests now use the QuerySystem V3 api
- Changed setup command to support QuerySystem V3 (refer to
- Teamkill log data will now contain room position and rotation (TK Viewer will include rooms)
- Changed Websocket library to hopefully get rid of an exception thrown by WebSocketSharp that caused connection loss
- Added a system that will make sure the plugin reconnects to the panel if the auto-reconnect fails for whatever reason
- Added more dependencies to the assembly as those are only present for servers using certain plugins
- Added a function that will let the CommunityManagementPanel know that a cheat report is infact a cheat report
- If a user has hidden their tag, their tag will no longer be shown when AutoSlPerms executes a permission refresh, the tags hidden state will now be persistant between permission refreshes
The full CommunityManagementPanel changelog can be found on