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An attempt to build an interpreter for the theoretical LOOP language.
P := Xi := Xj + c
| Xi := Xj - c
| P;P
| "LOOP" Xi "DO" P "END"
(where i,j are natural numbers)
The interpreter has some additional features which may simplify writing programs:
- Arbitrary long expressions when assigning variables like: X4 := X3 - 2 + A42 + 123 + 314159
- The interpreter supports variable names starting with a capital letter followed by 1 to 2 digits, e.g.: X12, A2, G34, ...
- Not allowed are names like: X, R342, HE, %§&, ...
- As in the original language, programs need to be separated by a semicolon
- Variables are initialized to 0 by default
- Output variable is always X0
- Values of input variables (starting with X1, X2, ...) need to be specified by the input parameter: -in=VALUE1,VALUE2,...
- LOOP statements can handle expressions as condition like: LOOP 4 + X1 DO ...
- Custom definition of new keywords and reuse of programs
- Library support
- Debugging mode where a program is interpreted step-by-step
program -> statement ( ";" statement )* ;
statement -> loop
| assign ;
loop -> "LOOP" var "DO" program "END" ;
assign -> var ":=" expr ;
expr -> add ;
add -> primary ( ("+"|"-") primary )* ;
primary -> var | number ;
var -> {A,...,Z} x {0,...,99} ;
number -> {0,...} ;