"What to do?" is a mobile application built with Flutter that provides users with a wide range of activities to try out. The app is designed to inspire users to explore new hobbies, experiences, and adventures by generating random suggestions that they might not have considered otherwise.
Here are some of the key features of "What to do?":
- Random generation of activities: The app generates random suggestions based on user preferences, so users can discover new ideas and experiences they might not have considered otherwise.
- Share suggestions with friends: Users can share their favorite activities with friends via social media, email, or other messaging apps.
"What to do?" is built using Flutter, a popular mobile app development framework that allows developers to create high-quality, cross-platform apps with ease. The app is written in Dart, a modern programming language that's easy to learn and use.
To install "What to do?" on your device, simply clone the repository, open the project in your preferred code editor, install the dependencies, and run the app. The app runs smoothly on both iOS and Android devices.
Finish the Activity Card. Display all the information of the Activity, a correct color, close button, accept button.Finish the Share Option of the Activity Card, the intention is share the Card as history of Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, and can save the card as image to feel free to post it wherever the user want.Finish the Home Page.Finish the Search it will have a filter for any attrbute of the Activity.(Maybe) Finish the Progress Page, im not segure about this.Finish the About Page (My information and settings, colors, etc.).
"What to do?" is an open-source project, and contributions are always welcome. If you're interested in contributing to the project, please follow the guidelines in the CONTRIBUTING.md file.
"What to do?" is licensed under the MIT License, which allows for free use, modification, and distribution of the app's code.