First, complete the basic Rust setup instructions.
Use the following command to build the node without launching it:
cargo +1.81.0 build --release
This command will start the single-node development chain with non-persistent state:
./target/release/cere --dev
Purge the development chain's state:
./target/release/cere purge-chain --dev
Start the development chain with detailed logging:
RUST_BACKTRACE=1 ./target/release/cere -ldebug --dev
Development chain means that the state of our chain will be in a tmp folder while the nodes are running. Also, alice account will be authority and sudo account as declared in the genesis state. At the same time the following accounts will be pre-funded:
- Alice
- Bob
- Alice//stash
- Bob//stash
In case of being interested in maintaining the chain' state between runs a base path must be added so the db can be stored in the provided folder instead of a temporal one. We could use this folder to store different chain databases, as a different folder will be created per different chain that is ran. The following commands shows how to use a newly created folder as our db base path.
// Create a folder to use as the db base path
$ mkdir my-chain-state
// Use of that folder to store the chain state
$ ./target/release/cere --dev --base-path ./my-chain-state/
// Check the folder structure created inside the base path after running the chain
$ ls ./my-chain-state
$ ls ./my-chain-state/chains/
$ ls ./my-chain-state/chains/dev
db keystore network
Purge the Alice's node state:
./target/release/cere purge-chain --base-path /tmp/alice --chain local -y
Start Alice's node:
./target/release/cere \
--base-path /tmp/alice \
--chain local \
--alice \
--port 30333 \
--ws-port 9945 \
--rpc-port 9933 \
--rpc-cors "http://localhost:*","http:*","https://localhost:*","https:*","","" \
--node-key 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 \
Purge the Bob's node state:
./target/release/cere purge-chain --base-path /tmp/bob --chain local -y
Start Bob's node:
./target/release/cere \
--base-path /tmp/bob \
--chain local \
--bob \
--port 30334 \
--ws-port 9946 \
--rpc-port 9934 \
--rpc-cors "http://localhost:*","http:*","https://localhost:*","https:*","","" \
--validator \
--bootnodes /ip4/
Development chain means that the state of our chain will be in a tmp folder while the nodes are running. Also, alice and bob accounts will be authority accounts and alice sudo account as declared in the genesis state. At the same time the following accounts will be pre-funded:
- Alice
- Bob
- Alice//stash
- Bob//stash
Zombienet is a cli tool to easily spawn ephemeral networks and perform tests against them. Its installation and usage guide is available here.
The following scenarios expect the node binary available at ./target/release/cere
Spawn 2 nodes network and test if it produces blocks and finalized transaction.
zombienet -p native test zombienet/0000-block-building/block-building.zndsl
The following command spawns 5 validator nodes with DDC validation enabled as well as 1 non-validator node to check it is not affected. Set DAC_URL
environment variable with an address to webdis which will proxy validator's requests for DDC activity data to DAC DataModel Redis.
export DAC_URL=http://localhost:7379/
zombienet -p native test zombienet/0001-ddc-validation/ddc-validation.toml
The node supports 2 runtimes.
Runtime cere
uses by default in Cere Mainnet/Testnet/QAnet. You can start the node with it by:
- Running the node connected to Cere Mainnet, Cere Testnet or Cere QAnet
- Running the node with a custom spec. Be sure that id does not start with
./target/release/cere --chain=./target/release/customSpecRaw.json
Runtime cere-dev
uses by default in Cere Devnet. You can start the node with it by:
- Running the node connected to Cere Devnet
- Running the Single-Node Development Chain
- Running the Local Testnet Development Chain
- Running the node with a custom spec. Be sure that id starts with
and you pass--force-cere-dev
parameter./target/release/cere --chain=./target/release/customSpecRaw.json --force-cere-dev
./target/release/cere --chain=cere-mainnet
./target/release/cere --chain=cere-testnet
./target/release/cere --chain=cere-qanet
./target/release/cere --chain=cere-devnet
Once the node is running locally, you can connect it with Cere Explorer front-end to interact with your chain. Click here connecting the Explorer to your local node.