This is a library that implements and simplifies Swing GUI package.
It has some general-purpose panels predefined, such as a Login form or a Menu.
The expected use is to put the panels in the Window (JFrame) container or the central panel of the SideMenu panel.
- Form: A generic form with n text fields.
- Login: Login panel with its user and password field.
- SideMenu: Menu with option buttons on the west side.
- InputField (WIP): A terminal-like panel.
- Instantiate any panel and put it into a container, such as:
- Window main container.
- SideMenu central panel.
- You can use (SideMenu) setVisibleOnly(p: JPanel) method in an ActionListener to navigate over the panels put in the menu.
- For each panel, you must add an ActionListener in order to give a use to the button of each panel.
eg: A "Send" button for Login panel which returns the text of the fields. - Make your Window (JFrame) visible.