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vamcart committed Mar 18, 2019
1 parent 68272fa commit 10e3f3c
Showing 1 changed file with 363 additions and 0 deletions.
363 changes: 363 additions & 0 deletions locales/en_US.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No",
"all": "All",
"slug": "Slug",
"enabled": "Enabled",
"draft": "Draft",
"description": "Description",
"metaDescription": "Meta Description",
"pageTitle": "Page title",
"seo": "Search Engine Optimization",
"currency": "Currency",
"images": "Images",
"selected": "selected",
"email": "Email",
"mobile": "Mobile",
"country": "Country",
"state": "State/Province",
"city": "City",
"fullName": "Full name",
"address1": "Address line 1",
"address2": "Address line 2",
"postal_code": "Postal code",
"phone": "Phone",
"company": "Company",
"content": "Content",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"save": "Save",
"add": "Add",
"edit": "Edit",
"actions_delete": "Delete",
"actions_remove": "Remove",
"actions_moveHere": "Move here",
"actions_moveTo": "Move to",
"actions_moveUp": "Move Up",
"actions_moveDown": "Move Down",
"actions_done": "Done",
"actions_upload": "Upload",
"discardDraft": "Discard draft",
"actions_loadMore": "Load more",
"messages_saving": "Saving...",
"messages_saved": "Saved",
"messages_loading": "Loading...",
"messages_uploading": "Uploading...",
"messages_uploadComplete": "Upload complete",
"messages_deleteConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this item?",
"messages_deleteForever": "Delete forever?",
"help_dropHere": "Drop files here to upload",
"help_slug": "The “slug” is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lowercase and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.",
"errors_required": "This field is required.",
"errors_email": "Please enter a valid email address.",
"errors_url": "Please enter a valid URL.",
"errors_number": "Please enter a valid number.",
"errors_urlTaken": "URL is taken or contains a reserved word",
"loginTitle": "Sign in",
"loginDescription": "Enter your email and I'll send you a link to sign in",
"loginButton": "Send",
"loginLinkSent": "Sign in link was sent to your email",
"products_title": "Products",
"products_titleEdit": "Edit Product",
"products_name": "Product name",
"products_sku": "SKU",
"products_stock": "Stock",
"products_price": "Price",
"products_outOfStock": "Out of stock",
"products_backorder": "Backorder",
"products_preorder": "Pre-order",
"products_inStock": "In stock",
"products_stockStatus": "Stock status",
"products_discontinued": "Discontinued",
"products_onSale": "On sale",
"products_search": "Search products",
"products_aboutDelete": "{count} products is about to be permanently deleted. You can’t undo this action.",
"products_regularPrice": "Regular price",
"products_salePrice": "Sale price",
"products_dateStockExpected": "Expected date",
"products_stockTracking": "Manage stock",
"products_stockPreorder": "Is preorder",
"products_stockBackorder": "Allow backorders",
"products_stockQuantity": "Stock quantity",
"products_weight": "Weight",
"products_dateSaleFrom": "Sale from",
"products_dateSaleTo": "Sale to",
"products_pricing": "Pricing",
"products_visibility": "Visibility",
"products_inventory": "Inventory",
"products_attributes": "Attributes",
"productCategories_title": "Product Categories",
"productCategories_titleAdd": "Add new category",
"productCategories_titleEdit": "Edit category",
"productCategories_titleEditMany": "Manage categories",
"productCategories_name": "Category name",
"productCategories_all": "All Products",
"productCategories_root": "Root",
"productCategories_aboutDelete": "Will delete category {name} with all childs.",
"settings_themeExportDesciption": "Download theme as zip file.",
"settings_themeInstallDesciption": "Install theme from zip file. Can take 2-10 min.",
"settings_themeExport": "Download",
"settings_themeInstall": "Install",
"settings_themeExporting": "Exporting...",
"settings_themeInstalling": "Installing...",
"settings_theme": "Theme",
"settings_general": "General",
"settings_payments": "Payments",
"settings_shipping": "Shipping",
"settings_checkout": "Checkout",
"settings_emails": "Emails",
"settings_taxes": "Taxes",
"settings_security": "Security",
"settings_currencyFormatting": "Currency formatting",
"settings_currencySymbol": "Currency symbol",
"settings_thousandSeparator": "Thousand Separator",
"settings_decimalSeparator": "Decimal Separator",
"settings_numberOfDecimal": "Number of Decimal",
"settings_timezone": "Timezone",
"settings_dateFormat": "Date Format",
"settings_timeFormat": "Time Format",
"settings_weightUnit": "Weight unit",
"settings_lengthUnit": "Length unit",
"settings_defaultProductSorting": "Default product sorting",
"settings_sortByPriceAsc": "Sort by price (asc)",
"settings_sortByPriceDesc": "Sort by price (desc)",
"settings_sortByDefault": "Default sorting",
"settings_enableStockManagement": "Enable stock management",
"settings_minimumOrderSubtotal": "Minimum order subtotal",
"settings_defaultShippingCountry": "Default shipping country",
"settings_defaultShippingState": "Default shipping state",
"settings_defaultShippingCity": "Default shipping city",
"settings_centimeter": "centimeter",
"settings_inch": "inch",
"settings_gram": "gram",
"settings_kilogram": "kilogram",
"settings_pound": "pound",
"settings_ounce": "ounce",
"settings_smtpSettings": "Outgoing server settings (SMTP)",
"settings_smtpHost": "SMTP Server",
"settings_smtpPort": "Port",
"settings_smtpUser": "User Name",
"settings_smtpPass": "Password",
"settings_emailFromName": "Your name (displayed on outgoing messages)",
"settings_emailFromAddress": "Your email address (From)",
"settings_emailSettings": "Email settings",
"settings_generalSettings": "General settings",
"settings_themeSettings": "Theme settings",
"settings_checkoutSettings": "Checkout settings",
"settings_emailTemplates": "Email templates",
"settings_orderConfirmation": "Order Confirmation",
"settings_customerRegistration": "Customer Registration",
"settings_customerRecovery": "Customer Recovery",
"settings_emailSubject": "Subject",
"settings_emailBody": "Body (HTML)",
"settings_shippingMethods": "Shipping methods",
"settings_paymentsMethods": "Payment methods",
"settings_editShippingMethod": "Edit shipping method",
"settings_editPaymentMethod": "Edit payment method",
"settings_addShippingMethod": "Add shipping method",
"settings_addPaymentMethod": "Add payment method",
"settings_shippingMethodName": "Shipping method name",
"settings_paymentMethodName": "Payment method name",
"settings_shippingRate": "Shipping rate",
"settings_freeShippingRate": "Free shipping rate",
"settings_conditions": "Conditions",
"settings_countries": "Countries",
"settings_states": "States",
"settings_cities": "Cities",
"settings_minTotalWeight": "Minimum total weight",
"settings_maxTotalWeight": "Maximum total weight",
"settings_minSubtotal": "Minimum subtotal",
"settings_maxSubtotal": "Maximum subtotal",
"settings_onlyShippingMethods": "Only for this shipping methods",
"settings_aboutDeletePaymentMethod": "Will delete payment method {name}.",
"settings_aboutDeleteShippingMethod": "Will delete shipping method {name}.",
"settings_checkoutFields": "Checkout fields",
"settings_fieldStatus": "Field status",
"settings_fieldRequired": "Required",
"settings_fieldOptional": "Optional",
"settings_fieldHidden": "Hidden",
"settings_fieldLabel": "Label",
"settings_fieldPlaceholder": "Placeholder",
"settings_pages": "Pages",
"settings_addPage": "Add page",
"settings_editPage": "Edit page",
"settings_aboutDeletePage": "Will delete page {name}.",
"settings_tokens": "Personal access tokens",
"settings_editToken": "Edit personal access token",
"settings_addToken": "New personal access token",
"settings_tokenName": "Token name",
"settings_tokenExp": "Token expiration (hours)",
"settings_selectScopes": "Select scopes",
"settings_revokeAccess": "Revoke access",
"settings_generateToken": "Generate token",
"settings_tokenHelp": "Personal access tokens function like a combined name and password for API authentication.",
"settings_copyYourNewToken": "Make sure to copy your new personal access token now. You won’t be able to see it again!",
"settings_tokenRevokeTitle": "Are you sure you want to delete this token?",
"settings_tokenRevokeDescription": "Any applications or users using this token will no longer be able to access API or dashboard. You cannot undo this action.",
"drawer_title": "Menu",
"drawer_home": "Home",
"drawer_products": "Products",
"drawer_categories": "Categories",
"drawer_orders": "Orders",
"drawer_orderCategories": "Order categories",
"drawer_customers": "Customers",
"drawer_settings": "Settings",
"drawer_logout": "Logout",
"drawer_discounts": "Discounts",
"drawer_reports": "Reports",
"customers_title": "Customers",
"customer": "Customer",
"customers_titleAdd": "Add new customer",
"customers_titleEdit": "Edit customer",
"customers_name": "Customer name",
"customers_aboutDelete": "{count} customers is about to be permanently deleted. You can’t undo this action.",
"customers_totalSpent": "Total Spent",
"customers_orders": "Orders",
"customers_location": "Location",
"customers_search": "Search customers",
"customers_setGroup": "Set group",
"customers_noGroup": "No group",
"customerGroups_title": "Customer Groups",
"group": "Group",
"customerGroups_titleAdd": "Add new group",
"customerGroups_titleEdit": "Edit group",
"customerGroups_titleEditMany": "Manage groups",
"customerGroups_name": "Group name",
"customerGroups_all": "All Customers",
"customerGroups_aboutDelete": "Will delete group {name}.",
"orders_title": "Orders",
"orders_titleAdd": "Add new order",
"orders_name": "Name",
"orders_aboutDelete": "{count} orders is about to be permanently deleted. You can’t undo this action.",
"orders_total": "Total",
"order": "Order",
"orders_status": "Status",
"orders_date": "Date",
"orders_shippingTo": "Shipping to",
"orders_closed": "Closed",
"orders_cancelled": "Cancelled",
"orders_delivered": "Delivered",
"orders_paid": "Paid",
"orders_hold": "Hold",
"orders_draft": "Draft",
"orders_search": "Search orders",
"pageNotFound": "Page not found!",
"skuTaken": "Product SKU must be unique",
"editProductOption": "Edit option",
"productVariants": "Variants",
"addVariant": "Add new variant",
"addOption": "Add new option",
"logo": "Logo",
"chooseImage": "Choose files",
"position": "Position",
"optionName": "Option name",
"optionControl": "Option control",
"optionControlSelect": "Drop-down list",
"optionValues": "Option values",
"newOptionValue": "New value",
"deleteProduct": "Delete product",
"domain": "Domain",
"manageOrderStatuses": "Manage statuses",
"shippingAddress": "Shipping address",
"billingAddress": "Billing address",
"sameAsShipping": "Same as shipping address",
"orderDate": "Order Date",
"orderStatus": "Order Status",
"referrer": "Referrer",
"trackingNumber": "Tracking number",
"shippingStatus": "Shipping status",
"shippingMethod": "Shipping method",
"paymentsMethod": "Payment method",
"customerComment": "Comments",
"orderSubtotal": "Subtotal",
"orderShipping": "Shipping",
"orderTax": "Tax",
"orderDiscount": "Discount",
"grandTotal": "Grand Total",
"amountPaid": "Amount Paid",
"coupon": "Coupon",
"editOrderItem": "Edit order item",
"addOrderItem": "Add product",
"quantity": "Quantity",
"deleteOrder": "Delete order",
"closeOrder": "Close order",
"cancelOrder": "Cancel order",
"holdOrder": "Hold order",
"resumeOrder": "Resume order",
"deleteOrderConfirmation": "Delete order forever? You can’t undo this action.",
"closeOrderConfirmation": "Close order? You can’t undo this action.",
"cancelOrderConfirmation": "Cancel order? All products will be restocked back to your store. You can’t undo this action.",
"placeOrder": "Place Order",
"viewOnWebsite": "View on website",
"hideBillingAddress": "Don't ask for a billing address",
"note": "Note",
"address": "Address",
"editAddress": "Edit Address",
"setDefaultBillingAddress": "Set as default Billing",
"setDefaultShippingAddress": "Set as default Shipping",
"attributes": "Attributes",
"attributeName": "Attribute name",
"attributeValue": "Attribute value",
"addAttribute": "Add new attribute",
"newOrderReceived": "New order received",
"orderEmailCopyTo": "Send Order Email Copy To",
"allOrderStatuses": "All Statuses",
"orderStatusName": "Status name",
"orderStatusDeleteAsk": "Will delete status {name}.",
"orderStatuses": "Order statuses",
"editOrderStatus": "Edit status",
"noOrderStatus": "No status",
"apps": "Apps",
"webstoreLoginTitle": "Log in to Web Store",
"account": "Account",
"developerProfile": "Developer profile",
"shopUrl": "Shop URL",
"adminUrl": "Dashboard URL",
"isDeveloper": "I am developer",
"website": "Website",
"actions": "Actions",
"enable": "Enable",
"disable": "Disable",
"serviceActions": "Actions",
"serviceLogs": "Logs",
"paymentGateway": "Payment Gateway",
"themeSettings": "Theme Settings",
"fieldKey": "Key",
"additionalInfo": "Additional Info",
"relatedProducts": "Related Products",
"tags": "Tags",
"newTag": "New tag name...",
"tokenExpired": "Token is expired",
"tokenInvalid": "Token is not valid",
"productFields": "Product fields",
"productsLimit": "Limit product items per request",
"loadFromWebstore": "To load Apps from WebStore, please sign in.",
"addProduct": "Add new product",
"addOrderStatus": "Add new status",
"dashboard": "Dashboard",
"files": "Files",
"fileName": "Name",
"fileModified": "Modified",
"fileSize": "Size",
"salesReport": "Sales",
"closedAndPaidOrders": "Closed and paid orders",
"newOrders": "New orders",
"singleDeleteTitle": "Are you sure you want to delete \"{name}\"?",
"singleDeleteDescription": "This item will be deleted immediately. You can't undo this action.",
"multipleDeleteTitle": "Are you sure you want to delete the {count} selected items?",
"multipleDeleteDescription": "{count} items will be deleted immediately. You can't undo this action.",
"redirects": "Redirects",
"redirectsAbout": "Redirects allow you to migrate routes from previous sites. Each redirect will return the 301 http status code.",
"redirectEdit": "Edit redirect",
"redirectAdd": "Add redirect",
"webhooks": "Webhooks",
"webhooksAbout": "Webhooks allow external services to be notified when certain events happen. When the specified events happen, Cezerin will send a POST request to each of the URLs you provide.",
"webhookEdit": "Edit webhook",
"webhookAdd": "Add webhook",
"webhookEvents": "Events",
"webhookSecret": "Secret",
"themeInstalled": "installation completed",
"category": "Category",
"additionalCategories": "Additional Categories",
"alt": "Alternative text",
"no_image": "no image"

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