- In many job interviews you will be asked to solve a series of problems related to coding. The coding interview folder gives a list of some popular problems and solutions in C++.
- The goal in Jump Game 2 is to find a minimum steps along an array from one index to another.
- Interviewers may also ask you to demonstrate many concepts of Object Oriented Programing, we can do this in one program.
- The Coin Change Problem is often used to demonstrate the applicants understanding of Dynamic Programming. In this challenge you are given specified coin values and a final value, you must return the number of combinations you can use to get the final value.
- In the first Duplicate Xor Problem you are given an array of duplicates a and must remove the duplicate of a given value x.
- In the second Duplicate Xor Problem you are given an array of duplicates and must remove the duplicates of two values x and y.
- The Recursive Stack Problem tests your knowledge of recursion. You are given a string of balanced parenthesis (meaning for every "(" there is a ")") and you are asked to find the final "score" where: "A = ()" => 1, "(A)" = 2*A, and "AB" = A+B.
- In the Splitwise Problem you are given a group of people and each of these people make transactions, you need need to find the minimum number of transactions that will settle all of the debts. 2.Leet Code is a popular web platform to practice coding and prepare for interviews, the Leet Code folder provides solutions to many problems if you are struggling
- It is recommended that you try these problems on your own before looking for solutions
- The Library provides tutorials for various concepts in Data Structures
- DP provides examples of dynamic programming
- DS Provides examples of algorithms working on different types of data structures
- Graph provides examples of algorithms in Graph Theory
- Math provides examples of generic mathematical algorithms
- Miscellanious provides useful generic algorithms
- Tree provides examples of algorithms that work with tree data structures
- Galt contains algorithms for sparse tables
- Tricks contains quick solutions to problems that help you move a lot faster
I make Video Lectures on YouTube for
- Data Structures