DEPRECATED as of May 29, 2013. Please use
which is significantly faster, cleaner, more correct and more complete.
See []A complete redesign was done which accomodates multiple codec formats. It thus became necessary to create a new repository with a different name.
I hope to retire this repository anytime from July 1, 2013.
A log message will be printed out at runtime encouraging users to upgrade.
To install:
go get
It provides features similar to encoding packages in the standard library (ie json, xml, gob, etc).
- Standard Marshal/Unmarshal interface.
- Support for all exported fields (including anonymous fields)
- Standard field renaming via tags
- Encoding from any value (struct, slice, map, primitives, pointers, interface{}, etc)
- Decoding into pointer to any non-nil value (struct, slice, map, int, float32, bool, string, etc)
- Decoding into a nil interface{}
- Handles time.Time transparently (stores time as 2 element array: seconds since epoch and nanosecond offset)
- Provides a Server and Client Codec so msgpack can be used as communication protocol for net/rpc.
- Also includes an option for msgpack-rpc:
API docs:
dec = msgpack.NewDecoder(r, nil) err = dec.Decode(&v) enc = msgpack.NewEncoder(w) err = enc.Encode(v) //methods below are convenience methods over functions above. data, err = msgpack.Marshal(v) err = msgpack.Unmarshal(data, &v, nil) //RPC Server conn, err := listener.Accept() rpcCodec := msgpack.NewRPCServerCodec(conn, nil) rpc.ServeCodec(rpcCodec) //RPC Communication (client side) conn, err = net.Dial("tcp", "localhost:5555") rpcCodec := msgpack.NewRPCClientCodec(conn, nil) client := rpc.NewClientWithCodec(rpcCodec)