Easy JSON Configuration Ingame!
Hold the item you want to configure in your main hand, and then run the command you want to use.
/simpledifficulty addArmor (temperature)
/simpledifficulty addBlock (temperature)
/simpledifficulty addConsumableTemperature (group) (temperature) (duration)
/simpledifficulty addConsumableThirst (amount) (saturation) (thirstyChance)
/simpledifficulty addFluid (temperature)
After you've changed things, you can write it all to the actual json files with
/simpledifficulty exportJson
The load JSON got changed to
/simpledifficulty reloadJson
Remember, "reload" will make you lose any in-game changes if you don't "export" first!
Also added an ability for mods to disable their own mod compatibility.
This'll let mod makers replace the built-in compatibility with their own.