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scikit-learn compatible implementation of Fuzzy ARTMAP

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This repository contains two implementations of the Fuzzy ARTMAP algorithm, both based on Carpenter et al., 1992. The FuzzyArtMap implementation in the fuzzy_artmap module, is scikit-learn interface compatible and based on vectorized pytorch operations for the underlying computation. The FuzzyArtMap implementation in the procedural_fuzzy_artmap module is a bespoke interface implementation that uses numpy for the underlying computation in a linear fashion. See the Implementation Notes for more details.

The Fuzzy ARTMAP algorithm is an interpretable neural network classification algorithm that can be run in an online training mode, where the model can receive training examples at any point - even between inference (prediction) runs. The algorithm can also operate in a classic offline, batch-based training mode, like a typical classifier. Fuzzy ARTMAP returns a prediction of the class/category, without a confidence or weight prediction. In the fuzzy_artmap.FuzzyArtMap implementation, the predict_with_membership function returns the predicted class/category and a float on the interval [0,1] indicating the Fuzzy Set Membership of the input to the predicted class; while not the same as a confidence prediction it is an indicator of how closely the input matches the predicted category.

The model learned by Fuzzy ARTMAP can be interpreted geometrically, with the learned categories as hyper-rectangles. Depending on the nature of the input, the model can also be interpreted as a series of fuzzy If-Then rules. See the /examples/step-by-step.ipynb to understand the geometric interpretation and how the model learns and predicts.

Usage Notes

All input to the FuzzyArtMap classifiers must be on the interval [0,1] and complement encoded - including the labels/categories. NaNs and missing values are not tolerated in the input or labels. In the fuzzy_artmap.FuzzyArtMap implementation, there are options to automatically scale (auto_scale) and automatically complement encode the data (auto_complement_encode), these are not recommended as they mutate the inputs, and are primarily for the scikit-learn compatibility test suite.

The main parameters are baseline_vigilance (rho a bar in the literature) and the learning_rate (beta in the literature). The baseline_vigilance controls how good a match the input must be to a learned category in order to trigger that category, the closer to 1 the better the fit must be. For the learning_rate, a value closer to 1 causes fast learning and the category to be aggressively updated, a learning_rate of 0 causes no learning to occur. Once a category is learned, the committed_node_learning_rate takes over, and controls how fast a learned category should change. The committed_node_learning_rate can also be set to 1, to enable fast learning. By default it is 0.75 to enable fast learning, slow recode (see Carpenter et al., 1992).

Examples of usage can be seen in the tests and the circle_test.ipynb,, spiral_test.ipynb files.

Implementation Notes

Both implementations of the Fuzzy ARTMAP algorithm are based on Carpenter, G. A., Grossberg, S., Markuzon, N., Reynolds, J. H. and Rosen, D. B. (1992) "Fuzzy ARTMAP: A Neural Network Architecture for Incremental Supervised Learning of Analog Multidimensional Maps" IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 698-713. The procedural implementation ( is specifically based on fuzzyartmap_demo.m from here by Dr. Rajeev Raizada, with some modifications for registering the committed nodes, changing the row/column major ordering for numpy vs. matlab, and changing to be a little more Python idiomatic.

The fuzzy_artmap.FuzzyArtMap implementation also implements max_nodes functionality described in Carpenter, G.A., Grossberg, S., & Reynolds, J.H. (1995). A fuzzy ARTMAP nonparametric probability estimator for nonstationary pattern recognition problems. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 6, 1330‑1336. Technical Report CAS/CNS‑93‑047, Boston, MA: Boston University.. Normally, the number of category (F2) nodes is allowed to grow unbounded; however, this may not be desirable. In Carpenter et al. (1995), the idea of fixing the number of nodes allowed was introduced. The fuzzy_artmap.FuzzyArtMap implementation realizes this through the max_nodes parameter, allowing the user to fix the maximum size of the F2 field.

Examples (in /examples)

NB: All notebooks use matplotlib for visualization and runnable top to bottom. Notebooks may require running one cell at a time, but still are runnable top to bottom without any special ordering. See the /examples/requirements.txt for notebook specific packages.


This notebook takes a step-by-step approach linking the sections from the Carpenter et al. (1992) to manual implementation and visualization of Fuzzy ARTMAP and the learned model, through several iterations, with points that align with the expected category and points that do not align with the expected category.


This notebook is a shorter version of the step-by-step.ipynb that omits the paper screen grabs, and produces the step-by-step manual calculations that are ultimately used in the test_fuzzy_artmap_matches_expected_learning test (/tests/

circle_test.ipynb and

These are recapitulations of the circle test from Carpenter et al. (1992), illustrating how to use the module in local processing mode. The Jupyter notebook represents the learned categories graphically, while the script runs the training/test set steps.

This applies the same circle test to a more procedural implementation of Fuzzy ARTMAP, which is based around numpy.


This notebook illustrates the spiral test from Carpenter et al. (1992).


Example of using Fuzzy ARTMAP with text data. Downloads 20 Newsgroups using scikit-learn, uses TF-IDF vectorization, and demonstrates basic batch learning operations, and online active learning operations. Reproduces and generates similar results to those published in Courchaine & Sethi, 2022.


Example of using Fuzzy ARTMAP with continuous numeric data. Downloads the UCI ML Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic) dataset using scikit-learn. Scales the data to the required [0,1] interval, splits the data into train (80%) and test (20%) sets, reshapes the labels and complement encodes the data and the labels. Fuzzy ARTMAP is then used in a typically offline batch training mode with the training data, and then the predictions are performed on the test set, evaluating the results for accuracy, precision, and recall.


Tests the FuzzyArtMap implementation's fidelity to the scikit-learn interface. Two tests are skipped check_methods_subset_invariance and check_methods_subset_invariance, because FuzzyArtMap requires continuous values on the interval [0, 1] labels must be converted from text to numeric (LabelEncoder) and then MinMaxScaler, values must be converted using the MinMaxScaler - these enable the rest of the tests to proceed successfully, but do mutate the input data which violates the expectations of these two tests. Currently, this is implemented using try/except functionality, as skipping tests is introduced in version 1.6 of scikit-learn.

Test the core implementation of the model, for node selection, prediction, growing F2, max node support (See Carpenter et al., 1995), and expected calculations.

Validate saving and loading the model.

Test non-core functionality like vector validation, range validation, and complement encoding.

Performance evaluation of FuzzyArtMap in terms of true & false positive rate, using pytorch tensors and numpy nd-arrays as inputs. Also, performance test the baseline procedural implementation of Fuzzy ARTMAP.


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