Ever been in situation when you wanted to generate a password with puppet, but didn't want it to be regenerated at each puppet run?
Exec-based solutions work, but they are not efficient nor flexible. Here is where passgen comes.
First of all, you need to include passgen on your puppet master. It's worth to note that all generated password will be saved on master.
include passgen
class { 'passgen':
storage_path => '/tmp/generated_passwords',
The storage path must already be created by puppet or manually.
Now you can use it on your nodes, for example:
rabbitmq_user { 'sa':
admin => true,
password => passgen('rabbitmq_sa'),
Or create a password with expiration:
rabbitmq_user { 'sa':
admin => true,
password => passgen('rabbitmq_sa', "30 days"),
You can even export resource in usual puppet way and use it on another node.