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#About When you build and run the container with the app for the first time you'll see that the database committed with this project is empty. That's in order for the user to be able to test the entire flow of loading the home screen, schedule an activity and then see it in the home screen.

The platform you use to test this, be it Windows or IOs, should not affect your experience (thank you Docker!)

###The screens completed are:

  • US01
  • US02
  • US03
  • US04
  • API json-server

npm and node version

npm -v
node -v

#Install and run After you have cloned the repo, cd into it and carry out the following commands. If you are curious about the versions or packages that will be installed you can head over to the repo's package.json.

docker-compose build

Once it has finished building, to the run the container:

docker-compose up

#Run the DB server To start the fake server make sure you are at the root of this project and inside the container (go to the section Common Docker Commands to get a refresh on how to log into a contianer), meaning you are at the same level as the file db.json. To start the fake server:

npm run db

#Access website and server

To access the website go to http://localhost:3000/ and to access the server and see a dump of the data go to http://localhost:3004/db

#Delete database You can delete the database by going to your file db.json and leaving only the following:

  "schedule": []

#Testing TODO

Common Docker commands

View running containers

docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                      COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                            NAMES
9006b3857c7b        nixatractiv_nixatractive   "npm start"         9 minutes ago       Up 9 minutes>3000/tcp,>3004/tcp   nixaTractiv

You should get something like this. The last column, NAMES are the names of the running containers. If you ever want to log into one, you need that name. The nixaTractiv contains the actual code for the react app, while the forwarded port of 3004 is so that the db server is accessible.

Log into a docker container

docker exec -it docker_container_name bash

Example: nixaTractiv

docker exec -it nixaTractiv bash

Once logged in, if you do a simple ls you'd see the following:

root@9006b3857c7b:/app# ls
Dockerfile  db.json	docker-compose.yml  nixa React  node_modules  package.json	public	src

Start a container without a rebuild

Assuming you are in the same path as the root repo.

docker-compose up

Force build of a container

Assuming you are in the same path as the root repo.

docker-compose build --no-cache

Kill everything

Something has gone awfully wrong and you need to do a mission abort, obliterating all containers and images. Proceed with caution.

docker system prune


React project, serverless. Exercise planner.






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