- A micro Javascript library for validating and creating Finnish social security numbers
- Lightweight, 3.5kB (1.5kB gzipped)
- No dependencies
npm install finnish-ssn
bower install finnish-ssn
From unpkg.com
<script src="https://unpkg.com/finnish-ssn/dist/finnish-ssn.min.js"></script>
import FinnishSSN from "../finnish-ssn"
const isValid = FinnishSSN.validate('010101-100X');
// Yields true
Oldskool Web: Writes FinnishSSN into global namespace.
<script src="https://unpkg.com/finnish-ssn/finnish-ssn.min.js"></script>
// This is valid SSN
var isValid = FinnishSSN.validate('290296-7808');
// Yields true
Validate an SSN
// This is valid SSN
console.log('valid ssn returns ' + FinnishSSN.validate('290296-7808'));
// 'valid ssn returns true'
// This is invalid SSN
console.log('invalid ssn returns ' + FinnishSSN.validate('010198-1000'));
// 'invalid ssn returns false'
Parse SSN
// This is valid SSN
var parsedSsn = FinnishSSN.parse('290296-7808');
// This is invalid SSN
valid: true,
sex: 'female',
ageInYears: 19,
dateOfBirth: Thu Feb 29 1996 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (EET)
Create an SSN for person that is 20 years old.
console.log('SSN for person that is 20 years old ' + FinnishSSN.createWithAge(20));
// SSN for person that is 20 years old 010195-XXXX
- Validates parameter given SSN. Returns true if SSN is valid, otherwise false
- Parses parameter given SSN. Returns object
{valid: boolean, sex: "male|female", ageInYears: Number, dateOfBirth: Date }
valid: false,
sex: null,
ageInYears: null,
dateOfBirth: null
valid: true,
sex: 'male',
ageInYears: 15,
dateOfBirth: Tue Feb 29 2000 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (EET)
valid: true,
sex: 'female',
ageInYears: 15,
dateOfBirth: Mon Feb 28 2000 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (EET)
- Creates a valid SSN using the given age (Integer). Generates randomly male and female SSN'n.
# Build a distributable, minified UMD library compatible with browsers and Node
npm run dist
# Run tests
npm run test
# Run tests in watch-mode
npm run test:watch
- Generate SSNs with random month and day for given age. Also takes into account whether the randomized birth date has already passed and adjusts birth year accordingly, so that the returned SSN really has the given age on the day of generation.
- Sources ported from ES5 --> ES6
- Distributed js is transpiled to ES5 for backwards compatibility
- API should still be backwards compatible with
. Bumping minor-version to be on the safe side.
- Clean semicolons, removed lodash
- Initial release
- FlowType
- Use a better js doc tool