The Maryland Reported Sewer Overflow Database contains bypasses, combined sewer overflows (CSOs) and sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) reported to the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) from January 2005 through the most recent update. MDE updates this database regularly. Although MDE requires that all public sewer system owners or operators report overflows to us, there may be incidents that were not reported. Note that overflow amounts provided by the person reporting the overflow may be estimated using best professional judgment or they may be actual readings from flow measurement devices when available. Data attributes include:
- Overflow Type
- Municipality/Facility
- Date Discovered
- Time Discovered
- Duration Days
- Hours
- Minutes
- Location
- Zip Code
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Collection-System
- Quantity in Gallons (Estimated)
- Net in Gallons (Estimated)
- Cause
- Receiving waters
- County
- Penalty Collected Comments
- Penalty Collected
- Notes
While this data is online and accesible through Maryland's open data portal (Meta: Attributes:, our team works to correct SSO/CSO event coordinates. Data is routinely pulled from Maryland's reported Sewer Overflow Database located here:
Dataset current as of: 2/11/2015
David Lyons 410-537-3510