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Releases: Chewbotcca/Discord-Legacy

Chewbotcca - 1.4.0

13 Apr 19:36
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  • b14c50a - Added %^mcstatus command, put in an IP and see minecraft server stats!
  • 4d32b94 - Added %^createrole to create a role.
  • b42b643 - Added %^feedback for you to leave feedback. (Please leave feedback)
  • 67741bc - Added %^uuid to see someone's Minecraft UUID.
  • 67741bc - Added %^blacklist to see if a server is blacklisted.
  • e9c1691 - Added %^assignrole and %^removeerole to give someone a role and revoke it, respectively.
  • ddfba9d - Added %^cinfo to find channel info. Optional channel id to find that channel's stats.
  • 02b71c1 - Added %^google command, now in public beta, expect bugs or it not to work!
  • a77caf3 - Added %^numberfact command to find facts about NUMBERS.
  • 4d23733 - Added %^votes to see how many votes you have!


  • 15b724d - Serverinfo now works in PM.
  • eaefab9 - GIF Avatars are now supported in %^uinfo!
  • c3186c9 - Command %^sinfo can find other server's info if the bot is on that server. via ID.

And more.

Chewbotcca - 1.3.0

28 Mar 00:55
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what even is an update anymore


  • Added %^8ball command, shows input and output.
  • Added %^lastfm command to see a user's current lastfm status.
  • Added %^youtube, a command to search youtube videos.
  • Added %^forceupdateservercount command to fix the bot failing to actually startup.
  • Added %^flip command, flip a coin!
  • Added %^choose, choose between various comma separated options.
  • Added %^qrcode, generate a QR code!
  • Added %^isup command to check a website's status.


  • All Embed failures are sent as an error message telling people the bot needs Embed Links permissions or else it won't work!

Remember to check out the blog. geez.

Chewbotcca - 1.2.0

19 Mar 02:03
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what even is an update anymore


  • Added %^urban command, defines a command from the urban dictionary.
  • Added %^mcstatus command, shows Minecraft server statuses.
  • Broke %^restart into %^update, which restarts and updates the bot, respectively.
  • Added %^updates command, to see recent changes from github that aren't in the bot yet.
  • Added %^new command, shows 10 most recent commits.


  • %^cat command fixed. RIP cat api.
  • Send data to bot profiles.
  • %^help command doesn't embed commands page.
  • %^info now utilizes embeds.
  • %^memedb is now "secure" (#12), thanks @advaith1
  • %^stats improved a bit.
  • %^uinfo now accepts mentioning a user to see their info!

Remember to dab daily, or not, cool.

Chewbotcca - 1.1.0

14 Mar 17:04
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This is a cool update


  • 5 new memes in the meme database (woah)


  • MemeDB uses more optimized coding. Cool.
  • The following commands utilize embeds (finally) %^sinfo %^uinfo %^stats %^eval, more soon!

Chewbotcca - 1.0.0

01 Jan 17:35
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This is a huge update. You ready?


  • The bot is now modular!!


  • MemeDB links work again!
  • Fixed uptime not working (due to modules not speaking to each other)

Chewbotcca - Beta 1.2.2

04 Nov 23:56
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This is a minor update, a few typos and some brand new rubocop errors to fix!



  • Made restarting work on mac OR linux.
  • Change seconds to milliseconds, thanks @advaith1 for thinking about the small things in life.
  • %^invite now prints into chat.
  • Broke up %^memedb errors into 2 lines.
  • Now uses TRBMB api for %^trbmb


Organized the gemfile by alphabet, because rubocop says to.


Add "be sure to rename this file!" note on the top of the config

Find all commit changes here.

Chewbotcca - Beta 1.2.1

03 Sep 20:46
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A small release fixing some things.

  • The Bot client id is now a prefix. Basically you can mention the bot as a prefix now.
  • Improved ping command (now shows in ms)
  • Fixed rouge rating.join('')s left over from the fix from last time. %^rip and %^mcavatar work now.
  • Fixed %^eval and %^shoo not working even though the owner id was right.
  • On startup, the bot now shows %^help on the end of the current game.
  • %^info now accepts 0 args, to show you how to use it.
  • Removed "You used improper capitalization" from %^info error message, since it's not an error anymore.

Chewbotcca - Beta 1.2

31 Aug 20:43
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This update has a lot of stuff so be prepared.

  • Actually provided info to %^restart help
  • Improvements to %^stats
    • Removed %^code and %^uptime, merged into %^stats
    • Added Bot Version.
  • Removed server link from %^invite (as I'm not even on the server)
  • Converted MemeDB's elsifs to case and whens.
  • Removed %^status and %^setstatusserver since they get overwritten on server joins/parts anyway.
  • Removed [only one word]: from NameCheap return command since it stops the command if theres more than one word anyway.
  • On search commands, removed args.join when not needed. Fixes #6
  • Removed giant help and commands commands and just show a link to the commands instead. Fixes #4
  • Made %^uinfo "smart" as in now it doesn't show currently playing or nickname when there isn't one for the user. Fixes #5
  • Converted a lot of event.respond \ns to event <<
  • Removed help_available from various commands.
  • Combined %^mrcena, %^rickroll, and %^wearenum1 into %^play [songname]
  • Found a new api for catfacts.
  • Where needed, made input strings lowercased. Fixes #7

Okay, now the next release should exit beta. Thanks!

Chewbotcca - Beta 1.1

28 Aug 21:23
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Huge entire changelog based on commits since last beta.

Commit 5279869

  • Made all commands bot.command
  • Reverted the config thing
  • Added %^commands for commands only.
  • Made %^ping edit the ping.
  • Removed `puts "command ran" everywhere
  • Removed %^info blah after every command.
  • Compressed %^memedb
  • Renamed %^domainwhois to %^namecheap
  • Revamped %^sinfo
  • Added %^uinfo
  • Started adding "music"
  • Added %^info into one command.

Commit f53b99c

  • Turned else - ifs to elsifs.

Commit 19f79aa

  • Fixed memedb links.
  • Made music commands public.
  • Turned some more else-ifs to elsifs.

Commit ed22c30

  • Added %^uptime
  • Added %^restart
  • Added optional noedit argument to %^ping
  • %^uinfo and %^sinfo no longer edit messages.

Commit fcede06

  • Added %^trbmb

Commit 16a43c8

  • Added new %^cat url.

Chewbotcca - Beta 1.0

25 Dec 02:50
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  • A start of a uinfo and sinfo commands, won't show much, but will grow'
  • updating to discordrb 3.0! Updated
  • Voice support (won't do anything, but it's still there) Implemented
  • new command! %^mcavatar [user]
  • improved ping command Implemented
  • Eval command (for self hosted users) Implemented
  • commands (and other things) will now be pm'd to you!
  • shutdown command [for self hosters] Implemented