Welcome to the Computer Vision repository! This collection features several Jupyter Notebook files demonstrating various image processing techniques. Each notebook focuses on a specific topic, providing step-by-step explanations and code examples. 🚀
- cannyEdgeDetection.ipynb: 🖼️ Demonstrates the Canny edge detection algorithm, a popular technique for detecting edges in images.
- harrisCornerDetection.ipynb: 📍 Learn about Harris corner detection, a method used to identify important features or corners in an image.
- imgFlipping.ipynb: 🔄 Explores image-flipping techniques, including horizontal and vertical flipping, using various image-processing libraries.
- img_contrastReduction.ipynb: 🌈 Focuses on reducing the contrast of an image, useful in applications such as medical imaging or enhancing specific image details.
- img_enhancement.ipynb: ✨ Techniques to enhance the overall quality of an image by adjusting brightness, contrast, and other parameters.
- img_processing.ipynb: 📚 A general introduction to image processing, covering essential concepts, image manipulation, and basic operations.
To run the notebooks and execute the code examples, you will need the following:
- 🐍 Python (version 3.x)
- 📓 Jupyter Notebook
- 📷 OpenCV (computer vision library)
- 🧮 Numpy (numerical computing library)
- 📊 Matplotlib (plotting library)
- 🖼️ Scikit-image (image processing library)
Please refer to the individual notebooks for more specific installation instructions and requirements.
- 📥 Clone this repository to your local machine or download the notebook files directly.
- ✅ Ensure you have all the necessary dependencies installed. You can use
to install the required libraries. - 🖥️ Open the desired notebook using Jupyter Notebook or JupyterLab.
- 📝 Follow the instructions within each notebook to understand and experiment with the demonstrated image processing techniques.
If you have any improvements or additional examples to contribute, please feel free to submit a pull request. Your contributions are greatly appreciated! 🙌
This repository is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use the code and examples provided here for educational or commercial purposes. 🆓
Note: The images used in these examples are either publicly available or used for educational purposes only. 📸