These are my dotfiles, pretty standard gruvbox rice If I say so myself, but looks decent nonetheless, feel free to take inspiration from them and use them in your own rice if you feel like it.
Feel free star it or fork this to support me if you want to.
There's multiple ways of installing it, use one as your liking.
- Fork it and tweak a few things for yourself
- Copy-paste from Individual files to your configs
- Git clone it and replace the the files.
git clone ~/Downloads/chick-dotfiles
This line puts my dotfiles to your downloads directory, mv
them to your config directories or use a file manager for that.
All of the software I use on a day-to-day basis.
Applications | Description | Configuration(s) |
Arch Linux | Arch btw. | |
i3-gaps | Just like i3, but with gaps. | Here |
bspwm | A better alternative to i3, more advanced. | Here |
polybar | Bar | Here |
betterlockscreen | Clean, elegant lock screen. | |
alacritty | A highly configurable GPU accelerated terminal. | Here |
neovim | Fork of Vim aiming to improve user experience, plugins, and GUIs | Here |
vim-plug | Plugin manager for vim and neovim. | |
zsh | A better alternative to bash and fish shell. | Here |
powerlevel10k | A fast, highly customizable zsh prompt theme. | |
zsh-syntax-highlighting | Fish-shell like highlighting for zsh | |
zsh-autosuggestions | Fish-like fast/unobtrusive autosuggestions for zsh. | |
neofetch | Displays information about your computer | Here |
afetch | A lighter fetch mainly used to add more flair to a new terminal instance | |
cava | Audio visualizer. |
Thanks to
Users | GitHub | Discord | Reason | |
Stardust-kyun | Here | Stardust-kyun#5994 | Here | Teaching me to rice |
Stunner Waifu | Here | Stunner Waifu#6164 | Here | for helping me set up polybar |
bread | Here | None | None | for the better error in my zshrc. |
zerw | Here | zerw™#7130 | Here | for his incredible neofetch configuration. |