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emmaccode authored May 9, 2024
1 parent 7b0c22e commit 59828cc
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Showing 2 changed files with 73 additions and 78 deletions.
28 changes: 11 additions & 17 deletions src/Gattino.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -123,16 +123,16 @@ function scatter_plot!(con::AbstractContext, x::Vector{<:Number}, y::Vector{<:Nu
orlabel = "points"
group!(plotgroup, orlabel) do g::Group
points!(g, x, y, "fill" => colors[1])
points!(g, x, y, "fill" => colors[1], ymax = ymax, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, xmin = xmin)
lbls = [begin
group!(plotgroup, feature[1]) do g::Group
points!(g, x, feature[2], "fill" => colors[e], xmax = xmax, ymax = ymax, xmin = xmin, ymin = ymin)
end for (e, feature) in enumerate(features)]
end for (e, feature) in enumerate(filter(fet -> ~(typeof(fet[2]).parameters[1] <: AbstractString), features))]
group!(plotgroup, "labels") do g::Group
gridlabels!(g, x, y, divisions)
gridlabels!(g, x, y, divisions, xmax = xmax, ymax = ymax, xmin = xmin, ymin = ymin)
if xlabel != "" || ylabel != ""
group!(plotgroup, "axislabels") do g::Group
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ function line_plot!(con::AbstractContext, x::Vector{<:Number}, y::Vector{<:Numbe
line!(g, x, y)
group!(plotgroup, "labels") do g::Group
gridlabels!(g, x, y, divisions)
gridlabels!(g, x, y, divisions, ymax = ymax, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, xmin = xmin)
lbls = [begin
group!(plotgroup, feature[1]) do g::Group
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ function line_plot!(con::AbstractContext, x::Vector{<:Any}, y::Vector{<:Number},
line!(g, x, y)
group!(plotgroup, "labels") do g::Group
gridlabels!(g, x, y, divisions)
gridlabels!(g, x, y, divisions, ymax = ymax, xmax = xmax)
ymax = maximum(y)
lbls = [begin
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -406,19 +406,10 @@ color = randcolor()
function hist_plot!(con::AbstractContext, x::Vector{<:Any}, y::Vector{<:Number} = Vector{Int64}(), features::Pair{String, <:AbstractVector} ...;
divisions::Int64 = length(x), title::String = "", xlabel::String = "", ylabel::String = "", legend::Bool = true, colors::Vector{String} = [randcolor() for co in x],
ymin::Number = 0, ymax::Number = 0)
divisions::Int64 = length(x), title::String = "", xlabel::String = "", ylabel::String = "", legend::Bool = true, colors::Vector{String} = [randcolor() for co in 1:length(x)],
ymin::Number = minimum(y), ymax::Number = maximum(y))
frequency::Bool = false
n::Int64 = length(y)
if ymax == 0 && ~(n == 0)
ymax = maximum(y)
if ymin == 0 && ~(n == 0)
ymin = minimum(y)
elseif n == 0
ymax = maximum(x)
ymin = minimum(x)
if length(y) == 0
frequency = true
elseif length(x) != length(y)
Expand All @@ -443,13 +434,16 @@ function hist_plot!(con::AbstractContext, x::Vector{<:Any}, y::Vector{<:Number}
grid!(g, divisions)
x = vcat(x, [feature[2] for feature in features] ...)
y = vcat(y, [y for feature in features] ...)
diff::Int64 = length(x) - length(colors)
push!(colors, [randcolor() for x in 1:diff] ...)
if ~(frequency)
group!(plotgroup, "bars") do g::Group
bars!(g, x, y, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax)
group!(plotgroup, "labels") do g::Group
barlabels!(g, x)
gridlabels!(g, y, divisions)
gridlabels!(g, y, divisions, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax)
group!(plotgroup, "bars") do g::Group
Expand Down
123 changes: 62 additions & 61 deletions src/context_plotting.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -128,22 +128,21 @@ gridlabels!(con::AbstractContext, x::Vector{<:Any}, y::Vector{<:Number},
function gridlabels!(con::AbstractContext, x::Vector{<:Number}, y::Vector{<:Number},
n::Int64 = 4, styles::Pair{String, <:Any}...)
n::Int64 = 4, styles::Pair{String, <:Any}...; ymin::Number = minimum(y), ymax::Number = maximum(y),
xmin::Number = minimum(x), xmax::Number = maximum(x))
if length(styles) == 0
styles = ("fill" => "black", "font-size" => "10pt")
mx = con.margin[1]
my = con.margin[2]
x_min, x_max = minimum(x), maximum(x)
y_min, y_max = minimum(y), maximum(y)
division_amountx::Int64 = round((con.dim[1]) / n)
division_amounty::Int64 = round((con.dim[2]) / n)
x_offset = division_amountx * 0.30
y_offset = division_amounty * 0.30
cx = x_min
xstep = (x_max - x_min) / n
ystep = (y_max - y_min) / n
cy = y_max
xstep = (xmax - xmin) / n
ystep = (ymax - ymin) / n
cx = xmin
cy = ymax
txt = string(cx)
if length(txt) > 7
Expand All @@ -158,63 +157,65 @@ function gridlabels!(con::AbstractContext, x::Vector{<:Number}, y::Vector{<:Numb
cx += xstep
cy -= ystep
end for (xcoord, ycoord) in zip(
range(Int64(round(x_min)), con.dim[1], step=division_amountx),
range(Int64(round(y_min)), con.dim[2], step=division_amounty))]
range(Int64(round(xmin)), con.dim[1], step=division_amountx),
range(Int64(round(ymin)), con.dim[2], step=division_amounty))]

function gridlabels!(con::AbstractContext, y::Vector{<:Number}, n::Int64 = 4, styles::Pair{String, String} ...)
if length(styles) == 0
styles = ("fill" => "black", "font-size" => "10pt")
my = con.margin[2]
mx = con.margin[1]
y_min, y_max = minimum(y), maximum(y)
division_amounty::Int64 = Int64(ceil((con.dim[2]) / n))
y_offset = Int64(round(division_amounty * 0.3))
ystep = (y_max - y_min) / n
permx = Int64(round(con.dim[1] * 0.05))
cy = y_max
txt = string(cy)
if length(txt) > 7
txt = txt[1:6]
text!(con, permx + mx, ycoord + my + y_offset, txt, styles ...)
cy -= ystep
end for ycoord in range(Int64(round(y_min)), con.dim[2], step=division_amounty)]
function gridlabels!(con::AbstractContext, y::Vector{<:Number}, n::Int64 = 4, styles::Pair{String, String} ...;
ymin::Number = minimum(y), ymax::Number = maximum(y))
if length(styles) == 0
styles = ("fill" => "black", "font-size" => "10pt")
my = con.margin[2]
mx = con.margin[1]
division_amounty::Int64 = Int64(ceil((con.dim[2]) / n))
y_offset::Int64 = Int64(round(division_amounty * 0.3))
ystep::Number = (ymax - ymin) / n
permx::Int64 = Int64(round(con.dim[1] * 0.05))
cy = ymax
txt = string(cy)
if length(txt) > 7
txt = txt[1:6]
text!(con, permx + mx, ycoord + my + y_offset, txt, styles ...)
cy -= ystep
end for ycoord in range(Int64(round(ymin)), con.dim[2], step=division_amounty)]

function gridlabels!(con::AbstractContext, x::Vector{<:AbstractString}, y::Vector{<:Number},
n::Int64 = 4, styles::Pair{String, <:Any}...)
if length(styles) == 0
styles = ("fill" => "black", "font-size" => "10pt")
unique_strings = unique(x)
mx = con.margin[1]
my = con.margin[2]
y_min, y_max = minimum(y), maximum(y)
division_amountx::Int64 = round((con.dim[1]) / n)
division_amounty::Int64 = round((con.dim[2]) / n)
x_offset = Int64(round(division_amountx * 0.75))
y_offset = Int64(round(division_amounty * 0.10))
cx = 1
xstep = 1
ystep = (y_max - y_min) / n
cy = y_max
if cx <= length(unique_strings)
text!(con, xcoord + mx - x_offset, con.dim[2] - 10 + my, unique_strings[Int64(round(cx))], styles ...)
txt = string(cy)
if length(txt) > 7
txt = txt[1:6]
n::Int64 = 4, styles::Pair{String, <:Any}...; ymin::Number = minimum(y), ymax::Number = maximum(y),
xmin::Number = minimum(x), xmax::Number = maximum(x))
if length(styles) == 0
styles = ("fill" => "black", "font-size" => "10pt")
text!(con, 0 + mx, ycoord + my - y_offset, txt, styles ...)
cx += xstep
cy -= ystep
unique_strings = unique(x)
mx = con.margin[1]
my = con.margin[2]
division_amountx::Int64 = round((con.dim[1]) / n)
division_amounty::Int64 = round((con.dim[2]) / n)
x_offset = Int64(round(division_amountx * 0.75))
y_offset = Int64(round(division_amounty * 0.10))
cx = 1
xstep = 1
ystep = (ymax - ymin) / n
cy = ymax
if cx <= length(unique_strings)
text!(con, xcoord + mx - x_offset, con.dim[2] - 10 + my, unique_strings[Int64(round(cx))], styles ...)
txt = string(cy)
if length(txt) > 7
txt = txt[1:6]
text!(con, 0 + mx, ycoord + my - y_offset, txt, styles ...)
cx += xstep
cy -= ystep
end for (xcoord, ycoord) in zip(
range(0, con.dim[1], step=division_amountx),
range(y_min, con.dim[2], step=division_amounty))]
range(0, con.dim[1], step=division_amountx),
range(ymin, con.dim[2], step=division_amounty))]

function gridlabels!(con::AbstractContext, x::Vector{<:Any}, y::Vector{<:Number},
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -349,7 +350,7 @@ con = context(100, 100) do con::Context
function bars!(con::AbstractContext, x::Vector{<:AbstractString}, y::Vector{<:Number}, styles::Pair{String, <:Any} ...; ymax::Number = maximum(y),
function bars!(con::AbstractContext, x::Vector{<:Any}, y::Vector{<:Number}, styles::Pair{String, <:Any} ...; ymax::Number = maximum(y),
ymin::Number = minimum(y))
if length(styles) == 0
styles = ("fill" => "none", "stroke" => "black", "stroke-width" => "4")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -509,15 +510,15 @@ function legend!(con::AbstractContext, names::Vector{String}, styles::Pair{Strin
positionx -= scaler
positiony::Int64 = Int64(round(con.dim[2] / 2)) + con.margin[2]
scaler::Int64 = Int64(round(con.dim[2] * .20))
scaler = Int64(round(con.dim[2] * .20))
if contains(align, "top")
positiony -= scaler
elseif contains(align, "bottom")
positiony += scaler
ww::Int64 = Int64(round(con.dim[1]) * .20)
hh::Int64 = length(names) * 20
legbox::Component{:rec} = ToolipsSVG.rect("legendbg", x = positionx, y = positiony,
legbox::Component{:rect} = ToolipsSVG.rect("legendbg", x = positionx, y = positiony,
width = ww, height = hh)
style!(legbox, styles ...)
push!(legg, legbox)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -568,7 +569,7 @@ end
function append_legend!(con::AbstractContext, name::String, samp::Component{<:Any}; sample_width::Number = 20, sample_height::Number = 20, sample_margin::Number = 12)
legend::Component{:g} = con["legend"]
n_features::Int64 = length(legend[:children]) - 1
box::Component{:rec} = legend[:children]["legendbg"]
box::Component{:rect} = legend[:children]["legendbg"]
positionx, positiony = box[:x], box[:y] + (sample_height + 1) * n_features
box[:height] += 20
sample_width = 20
Expand Down

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