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emmaccode authored May 7, 2024
1 parent 36747e8 commit a6b2a00
Showing 1 changed file with 104 additions and 32 deletions.
136 changes: 104 additions & 32 deletions src/context_plotting.jl
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Expand Up @@ -402,6 +402,26 @@ function barlabels!(con::AbstractContext, x::Vector{<:Any}, styles::Pair{String,

v_bars!(con::AbstractContext, args ...; ymax::Number = maximum(y), ymin::Number = maximum(y)) -> ::Nothing
Draws scaled **vertical** "bars" onto `con` according to the data of `x` and `y`. `ymin` and `ymax` are provided to change the numerical scaling.
There is also a vertical equivalent, `v_bars!`. This is identical to `bars!`, just the vertical version -- which runs from left and right instead of up
and down, stacking the bars vertically. Like `bars!`, `v_bars!` also has `v_barlabels!`.
v_bars!(con::AbstractContext, x::Vector{<:AbstractString}, y::Vector{<:Number}, styles::Pair{String, <:Any} ...; ymax::Number = maximum(y),
ymin::Number = minimum(y))
v_bars!(con::AbstractContext, x::Vector{<:Number}, y::Vector{<:Number}, styles::Pair{String, <:Any} ...; ymax::Number = maximum(y), ymin::Number = minimum(y))
con = context(100, 100) do con::Context
Gattino.v_bars!(con, ["one", "two", "three"], [50, 20, 30], ymin = 0, ymax = 50)
function v_bars!(con::AbstractContext, x::Vector{<:AbstractString}, y::Vector{<:Number}, styles::Pair{String, <:Any} ...;
ymax::Number = maximum(y), ymin::Number = minimum(y))
if length(styles) == 0
Expand All @@ -425,11 +445,12 @@ end
function v_bars!(con::AbstractContext, x::Vector{<:Number}, y::Vector{<:Number}, styles::Pair{String, <:Any} ...; ymax::Number = maximum(y), ymin::Number = minimum(y))
v_bars!(con, [string(v) for v in x], y, styles ..., ymax = ymax, ymin = ymin)

barlabels!(con::AbstractContext, x::Vector{<:Any}, styles::Pair{String, String} ...) -> ::Nothing
v_barlabels!(con::AbstractContext, x::Vector{<:Any}, styles::Pair{String, String} ...) -> ::Nothing
Draws labels for the "bars" created by `bars!`. Also has a `v_bars!` equivalent in `v_barlabels!`.
Draws labels for the **vertical** "bars" created by `v_bars!`.
con = context(100, 100) do con::Context
Expand All @@ -447,40 +468,58 @@ function v_barlabels!(con::AbstractContext, x::Vector{<:AbstractString}, styles:
n_features::Int64 = length(x)
block_width = Int64(round(con.dim[2] / n_features))
offset::Int64 = Int64(round(block_width * 0.5))
perm_x = Int64(round(con.dim[1] * 0.14))
perm_x::Int64 = Int64(round(con.dim[1] * 0.14))
text!(con, perm_x + con.margin[1], yval + offset + con.margin[2], x[e], styles ...)
end for (e, yval) in enumerate(range(1, n_features * block_width, step = block_width))]

function legend!(con::AbstractContext, names::Vector{String}, styles::Pair{String, String} ...; align::String = "bottom-right")
legend!(con::AbstractContext, names::Vector{String}, styles::Pair{String, String} ...; align::String = "bottom-right",
sample_width::Number = 20, sample_height::Number = 20, sample_margin::Number = 12) -> ::Nothing
Builds a new legend box on `con`, adding a sample of each layer presented in `names`. New elements, including custom elements,
can be appended using `append_legend!`. Legend elements can be removed with `remove_legend!`.
con = context(100, 100) do con::Context
x = ["one", "two", "three"]
group!(con, "bars") do g
Gattino.bars!(g, x, [50, 20, 30], ymin = 0, ymax = 50)
Gattino.barlabels!(con, x)
legend!(con, ["bars"])
function legend!(con::AbstractContext, names::Vector{String}, styles::Pair{String, String} ...; align::String = "bottom-right",
sample_width::Number = 20, sample_height::Number = 20, sample_margin::Number = 12)
if length(styles) == 0
styles = ("stroke" => "darkgray", "fill" => "white", "stroke-width" => 2px)
legg = ToolipsSVG.g("legend")
positionx = Int64(round(con.dim[1] / 2)) + con.margin[1]
scaler = Int64(round(con.dim[1] * .24))
legg::Component{:g} = ToolipsSVG.g("legend")
positionx::Int64 = Int64(round(con.dim[1] / 2)) + con.margin[1]
scaler::Int64 = Int64(round(con.dim[1] * .24))
if contains(align, "right")
positionx += scaler
elseif contains(align, "left")
positionx -= scaler
positiony = Int64(round(con.dim[2] / 2)) + con.margin[2]
scaler = Int64(round(con.dim[2] * .20))
positiony::Int64 = Int64(round(con.dim[2] / 2)) + con.margin[2]
scaler::Int64 = Int64(round(con.dim[2] * .20))
if contains(align, "top")
positiony -= scaler
elseif contains(align, "bottom")
positiony += scaler
ww = Int64(round(con.dim[1]) * .20)
hh = length(names) * 20
legbox = ToolipsSVG.rect("legendbg", x = positionx, y = positiony,
ww::Int64 = Int64(round(con.dim[1]) * .20)
hh::Int64 = length(names) * 20
legbox::Component{:rec} = ToolipsSVG.rect("legendbg", x = positionx, y = positiony,
width = ww, height = hh)
style!(legbox, styles ...)
sample_width = 20
sample_height = 20
sample_margin = 12
push!(legg, legbox)
samp = con.window[:children][name][:children][1]
Expand All @@ -492,35 +531,47 @@ function legend!(con::AbstractContext, names::Vector{String}, styles::Pair{Strin
push!(legg, samp, samplabel)
end for (e, name) in enumerate(names)]
push!(con.window, legg)

function append_legend!(con::AbstractContext, name::String)
legend = con["legend"]
n_features = length(legend[:children]) - 1
box = legend[:children]["legendbg"]
append_legend!(con::AbstractContext, name::String, args ...; sample_width::Number = 20, sample_height::Number = 20, sample_margin::Number = 12)
Builds a new legend box on `con`, adding a sample of each layer presented in `names`. New elements, including custom elements,
can be appended using `append_legend!`. Legend elements can be removed with `remove_legend!`.
# append by layer name, will sample the layer.
append_legend!(con::AbstractContext, name::String; sample_width::Number = 20, sample_height::Number = 20, sample_margin::Number = 12)
# append a custom `Component`.
append_legend!(con::AbstractContext, name::String, samp::Component{<:Any}; sample_width::Number = 20, sample_height::Number = 20, sample_margin::Number = 12)
function append_legend!(con::AbstractContext, name::String; sample_width::Number = 20, sample_height::Number = 20, sample_margin::Number = 12)
legend::Component{:g} = con["legend"]
n_features::Int64 = length(legend[:children]) - 1
box::Component{:rect} = legend[:children]["legendbg"]
positionx, positiony = box[:x], box[:y]
samp = con.window[:children][name][:children][1]
box[:height] += 20
sample_width = 20
sample_height = 20
sample_margin = 12
set_position!(samp, positionx + sample_margin, positiony + sample_margin * (n_features))
samplabel = ToolipsSVG.text("$(name)-label", x = positionx + (sample_margin * 2), y = positiony + (sample_margin * (n_features) * 1.15),
text = name)
style!(samplabel, "stroke" => "darkgray", "font-size" => 9pt)
push!(legend, samp, samplabel)

function append_legend!(con::AbstractContext, name::String, samp::Component{<:Any})
legend = con["legend"]
n_features = length(legend[:children]) - 1
box = legend[:children]["legendbg"]
positionx, positiony = box[:x], box[:y]
function append_legend!(con::AbstractContext, name::String, samp::Component{<:Any}; sample_width::Number = 20, sample_height::Number = 20, sample_margin::Number = 12)
legend::Component{:g} = con["legend"]
n_features::Int64 = length(legend[:children]) - 1
box::Component{:rec} = legend[:children]["legendbg"]
positionx, positiony = box[:x], box[:y] + (sample_height + 1) * n_features
box[:height] += 20
sample_width = 20
sample_height = 20
sample_margin = 12
if typeof(samp) == Component{:g}
[set_position!(cmp, positionx + sample_margin * e, positiony + sample_margin * (n_features)) for (e, cmp) in enumerate(samp[:children])]
Expand All @@ -530,12 +581,33 @@ function append_legend!(con::AbstractContext, name::String, samp::Component{<:An
text = name)
style!(samplabel, "stroke" => "darkgray", "font-size" => 9pt)
push!(legend, samp, samplabel)

remove_legend!(con::AbstractContext, name::String)
Removes a legend element by layer `name`.
con = context(100, 100) do con::Context
x = ["one", "two", "three"]
group!(con, "bars") do g
Gattino.bars!(g, x, [50, 20, 30], ymin = 0, ymax = 50)
Gattino.barlabels!(con, x)
legend!(con, ["bars"])
remove_legend!(con, "bars")
function remove_legend!(con::AbstractContext, name::String)
legendcs = con["legend"][:children]
legendcs::Vector{<:Component} = con["legend"][:children]
legendcs["legendbg"][:height] -= 20
pos = findfirst(comp -> == name, legendcs)
deleteat!(legendcs, pos); deleteat!(legendcs, pos + 1)

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