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Appart from Matlab you need the following software (debian package names in paratheses)
* g++ and make (build-essentials)
* ChimeraTK DeviceAccess development libraries (chimeratk-deviceaccess-dev)

For testing (optional), you also need
* ctest (cmake)
* the mtcadummy kernel module (mtcadummy-dkms)
* csh (csh)
* the mtca4u command line tools (mtca4u-command-line-tools, optional)


* For a production context (you are not developing/debugging the mtca4u MatlabTools themselves) it is usually recommended to use the latest tag.
  ~/MatlabTools$ git remote update
  ~/MatlabTools$ git fetch --tags
  (not needed if you just cloned the repository)
  ~/MatlabTools$ git tag 
  (lists all tags, look for the latest)
  ~/MatlabTools$ git checkout 00.04.07
* Set the MATLAB_ROOT variable in the file matlab_root to point to your matlab installation, e.g. MATLAB_ROOT=/usr/local/MATLAB/R2014b


* Just run 'make'
You might get warnings like the following, which you can ignore (tested for Ubuntu14.04 and 16.04):
"Warning: You are using gcc version '5.3.1'. The version of gcc is not supported. The version currently supported with MEX is '4.7.x'. For a list of currently supported compilers see:
Appart from that you should not get any warnings or errors.

Testing (optional):
* run 'make test'
  -- As with Matlab itself on Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04, you have to add the LD_PRELOAD to 'make test' (see ReadMe.Ubuntu16)
     'LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ make test'
  -- If the "remote" tests are failing you can ignore this for the moment. You have to set up a password-less ssh-key login
     to you local machine and have the correct version of the mtca4u command line tools for the "remote" tests to work.
     The local library tests with the direct bindings should all work. 


* Run 'sudo make system_install'. This will install to /local/lib
* Add /local/lib to your Matlab path. You can store the path in you local pathdef file to make this permanent.
  In Matlab:
    addpath /local/lib
    savepath ~/pathdef.m