$T$ : Set of teams of size$T_size \in {n \in \N^+\ |\ n \mod 2 = 0}$ -
$W$ : The number of weeks where$W = T-1$ -
$P$ : The number of periods where$P = \frac{T}{2}$
$S$ : Array of size$W \times P$ where each cell is a couple$(t, t')$ that represents a match between two teams$t, t' \in T$
$\forall (T_n, T_k) \in S, n < k, \forall n, k \in Tsize$ $\forall t \in T, (\sum_j^P t \in S_{i, j} == 1) = 1, \forall i \in [0..W]$ $\forall t \in T, (\sum_i^W t \in S_{i, j} == 1) <= 2, \forall j \in [0..P]$
- We first initialize a graph where an edge is a team, an edge is a match and its label the week number
- Swap two matches if at least one of them is conflicting with the model (only matches on the same week)
- Tabou list to prevent from swapping two matches that have been swapped recently