This is Visa Navigator platform where you can create, Read, update, delete visas..
- Displaying all Visa on All Visa Page :
`fetch()` from MongoDb visas Collection.
- In
all visa
page user can see visa Card with see details button by clickingSee Details
Button user Can see visa details also can have a button for applying that visa.
3.Insee Details
page if user click apply button it will open modal take some info such as names etc than post those info with the help of POST
to mongodb applications
collection .
Add Visa
page it's a private route only logged in user can add Visa through aadd visa form
by clicking add visa button this visa will be stored inmongodb visas
collection withPOST
Method. these newly added visa will be displayed inMy Added Visas
page. -
My Added Visas
page logged user can see their added visas also they can update and delete their added visa by clicking update and delete button. -
user's applied visa will be displayed in
My Applications page
where they also can cancel their application by clicking cancel button.
* `Firebase` we have used `Firebase` to Render our whole application Authentications and we also hosted our website in Firebase.
* `React` we have used `React` to Render our whole application design.
* `ContextAPI` we have used `ContextAPI ` to share data across whole website.
* `sweetalert2` - we have used `sweetalert2` to generate all the alearts.
* `react-simple-typewriter` - we have used `react-simple-typewriter` to generate all the Writing animations.
* `Tailwind-Meterial` - we have used `Tailwind-Meterial` to create our carousel components
* `React-Router` - we have used `React-Router` to write our Routes.
* `loader` `useLoaderData()` we have used this to fetch our data for different lesson route.
* `navigate` `useNavigate()` we have used this to Redirecting to Home Route.
* `Link` we have used this to Define Link Buttons.
* `error` `useRouteError()` we have used this to handle and displaying when some hits wrong Routes.