Hi there 👋 I am Chris Hammond
I live in Wildwood, Missouri and I like to build things. I've got sites all over the internet, but the best place to read more about me is likely over on About Chris Hammond
- 🔭 I’m building things, primarily using #Astro
Jekyllthese days - 📷 I am the photographer behind RainbowMarks Photography
- 📫 How to reach me: @christoc on BlueSky
- ⚡ Fun fact: I collect domain names and hobbies....
- DNN is how everything started for me. Okay, maybe not everything, but I am what I am because of that platform and all that it brought me, from technical knowledge, to friends.
- Netduino was something I dabbled in a bit, over a decade ago now (what?)
- Cars are still a big part, so not sure why I list them as PAST here.