- FairPair makes players of similar strength meet
- To make players comparable, Enhanced Performance Rating is used
- EPR = add a draw against an average player before calculating Performance Rating
- A win against the strongest is worth exactly as much as a win against the weakest
- Big elo gaps gives very little new information
The Swiss Matrix shows the games actually played in a tournament paired with Swiss.
The ELO Matrix shows which games would actually be played in a tournament paired with FairPair.
The diagonal is marked with asterisks as players never meet themselves.
The axes contains the elos of the players.
The numbers in the matrices are round numbers.
The Swiss Matrix is quite spread out, which indicates many games with large elo gaps.
- Upper right corner: the strongest players. Small gaps
- Lower left corner: the weakest players. Small gaps
- Upper left and lower right corner: Big gaps where strong meets weak
- Edit one of the files above.
- Add the elos and names of the players, eventually in alphabetical order. Like 1601!NILSSON Christer
- Fields
- TITLE the title of the tournament. Optional
- DATE the Date. Optional
- TPP Tables Per Page. Default 30. Optional
- PPP Players Per Page. Default 60. Optional
- PAUSED id:s of paused players. Optional
- elos and names, separated with an exclamation sign. Mandatory
14 active players can pair up to 8 rounds (57%).
78 active players can pair up to 46 rounds (59%).
If you need more rounds, consider a round robin Berger instead.
Q1. Sidorna i .prn separeras ej. A1. Installera TextPad eller annan editor. Finns inget sätt att få Notepad att hantera FormFeed.
Q2. Vad menas med EPR? A2. EPR betyder Enhanced Performance Rating och innebär att alla spelare får en remi mot medelspelaren vid beräkning av PR. Detta får till följd att ingen spelare hamnar på inf eller -inf.
Q3. Varför har man inte exakt 50% vita ronder? A3. Störst obalans kan inträffa vid jämnt antal ronder, t ex 3+5, för en del spelare. Problemet minskar om man använder udda antal ronder.