Christian Gaser Jena University Hospital, Germany.
These tools are used within CAT12 for almost all of the surfaced-based functions.
Map values form 3D volume to surface
Apply deformations obtained with CAT_ApplySurf to surface
Apply deformations obtained with CAT_ApplySurf to values form surface
Heat kernel smoothing of either surface or surface values
Extract cortical surface from 3D volume (very old algorithm from David MacDonald)
Extract different folding parameters and optionally post-process and/or smooth values using diffusion heat kernel
User interface for CAT_DumpCurv for dealing with many files
Calculate gyrification index using the ratio of local surface area and local inflated surface area. Local surface area can be approximated by use of different curve types (default: mean curvature averaged over 3mm).
User interface for CAT_DumpGI for dealing with many files.
Extract surface area
Convert BIC obj to Freesurfer or OOGL and vice versa.
Convert freesurfer curv to txt-files
Plot values at maximum of a reference for each file
Plot values at coordinate x y z for each file
Resamples a spherical inflated surface to a sphere.
Resamples a spherical inflated surface to an external given sphere.
Maps 2d image in pgm format to surface
Maps surface values or mean curvature to 2d sheet in pgm format
Maps a surface to a sphere by using the caret inflating approach.