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Add support for 1.21 and backport to 1.20.0 and 1.20.1 (#119) #32

Add support for 1.21 and backport to 1.20.0 and 1.20.1 (#119)

Add support for 1.21 and backport to 1.20.0 and 1.20.1 (#119) #32

Workflow file for this run

name: release
# pull_request:
# branches:
# - main
- "v*" # Run if someone pushes a semantic versioned tag to the GitHub repo
#PUBLISH: ${{ !contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[ci skip]') && !contains(github.event.pull_request.title, '[ci skip]') }}
name: release
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
minecraft_version: [1.20.1, 1.20.4, 1.21.0]
project_name: fabric-${{ matrix.minecraft_version }}
artifact_dir: modules/fabric-${{ matrix.minecraft_version }}/build/libs
- name: checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
# Fetch all history for all tags and branches
fetch-depth: 0
# - name: generate version
# uses: paulhatch/semantic-version@v5.0.2
# with:
# # The prefix to use to identify tags
# tag_prefix: "v"
# # A string which, if present in a git commit, indicates that a change represents a
# # major (breaking) change, supports regular expressions wrapped with '/'
# major_pattern: "(MAJOR)"
# # A string which indicates the flags used by the `major_pattern` regular expression. Supported flags: idgs
# major_regexp_flags: ""
# # Same as above except indicating a minor change, supports regular expressions wrapped with '/'
# minor_pattern: "(MINOR)"
# # A string which indicates the flags used by the `minor_pattern` regular expression. Supported flags: idgs
# minor_regexp_flags: ""
# # A string to determine the format of the version output
# version_format: "${major}.${minor}.${patch}+${MINECRAFT_VERSION}"
# # Optional path to check for changes. If any changes are detected in the path the
# # 'changed' output will true. Enter multiple paths separated by spaces.
# change_path: "src/client src/main"
# # Named version, will be used as suffix for name version tag
# namespace: ${MINECRAFT_VERSION}
# # If this is set to true, *every* commit will be treated as a new version.
# bump_each_commit: false
# # If true, the body of commits will also be searched for major/minor patterns to determine the version type.
# search_commit_body: false
# # The output method used to generate list of users, 'csv' or 'json'.
# user_format_type: "csv"
# # Prevents pre-v1.0.0 version from automatically incrementing the major version.
# # If enabled, when the major version is 0, major releases will be treated as minor and minor as patch. Note that the version_type output is unchanged.
# enable_prerelease_mode: false
- name: read version from tag
id: version_read
run: echo "tag_version=${GITHUB_REF#refs/tags/v}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
shell: bash
- uses: madhead/semver-utils@latest
id: version
# Fail the task if it can't parse the version
lenient: false
# The ref_name will be the version tag
version: ${{ github.ref_name }}
- name: validate gradle wrapper
uses: gradle/wrapper-validation-action@v1
- name: setup jdk 17
uses: actions/setup-java@v3
java-version: 17
distribution: temurin
cache: gradle
- name: setup jdk 21
uses: actions/setup-java@v3
java-version: 21
distribution: temurin
cache: gradle
- name: make gradle wrapper executable
if: ${{ runner.os != 'Windows' }}
run: chmod +x ./gradlew
- name: build
run: ./gradlew :${{ env.project_name }}:build --no-daemon
MOD_VERSION: ${{ steps.version.outputs.release }}
- name: capture build artifacts
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: artifacts-${{ matrix.minecraft_version }}
path: ${{ env.artifact_dir }}
- uses: Kir-Antipov/mc-publish@v3.3
name: v${{ steps.version.outputs.release }} for ${{ matrix.minecraft_version }}
version: ${{ steps.version.outputs.release }}+${{ matrix.minecraft_version }}
version-type: release
# This metadata is read from the mod's fabric.mod.json file
# loaders:
# game-versions:
# java:
github-generate-changelog: true
github-draft: false
github-prerelease: false
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
files: |
${{ env.artifact_dir }}/!(*-@(dev|sources|javadoc)).jar
${{ env.artifact_dir }}/*-@(dev|sources|javadoc).jar
# files-primary: build/libs/!(*-@(dev|sources|javadoc)).jar
# files-secondary: build/libs/*-@(dev|sources|javadoc).jar
#modrinth-id: Read from fabric.mod.json custom.modmanager.modrinth
modrinth-featured: true
modrinth-unfeature-mode: subset
modrinth-token: ${{ secrets.MODRINTH_TOKEN }}
#curseforge-id: Read from fabric.mod.json custom.modmanager.curseforge
curseforge-token: ${{ secrets.CURSEFORGE_TOKEN }}
retry-attempts: 2
retry-delay: 10000
fail-mode: fail