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🦆 ASCII chart for CS50

Final project for CS50x at Harvard by Christopher Klix

Thanks a lot for amazing lectures to David J. Malan, Brian Yu, Colton Ogden & the entire CS50 staff!

NEW Updated to v2.0 New Features

  • ASCII 128-255 added (incl. ©, æ, █)
  • ASCII codes for 'octal' & 'binary' added
  • Improved logic (JS)
  • Improved UI & UX (hopefully)
  • Bug fixes
  • Added Easter Eggs

GitHub release (latest by date)

GitHub issues


Currently live on or

Both are hosted and secured by Google Firebase.

Please send feature requests or bug reports!

Table of contents

  1. How to use
  2. Commands
  3. Code explained

How to use

ASCII50 really is mainly a reference to look up ASCII codes.

Copy to clipboard

You can click on any ASCII code or character (e.g. 64 or @) and it will copy it to your clipboard. Some characters were created (back in the days) for the purpose of controlling devices. Which is why they are called 'control characters' and are not printable and therefore not 'copy-able'.

Those include ASCII 0-31 & 127.


You can run commands via the command line. You can find some available commands further down but there are also some shortcuts, easter eggs & secret commands.

More details: Commands

Code explained

The app is currently only available on the web but I'm currently working on making it available as a macOS app as well. Android & iOS/iPadOS might come as well (probably first as Electron-Wrapper and maybe native at some point). As this is currently just a fun-project the progress of this undertaking depends on motivation and time :).

Repo structure

The root directory contains no app-relevant code.


  ├─ app/
  │    └─ ...
  ├─ web/
  │    └─ ...
  ├─ .gitignoe
  ├─ (this file)

app/ The app directory is currently not in the repo but will be added as soon as the Electron app is available.

web/ The web directory contains everything relevant to the web app.

.gitignore The default git file that make sure no temporary files are getting uploaded to GitHub (e.g. __pycache__/).

LICENSE A simple license file. You are reading it right now. A simple Python script that makes compiling SCSS to CSS easy during development. Utilities that are being used by the above Python script.


  ├─ public/
  │    ├─ css/
  │    │    └─ ...
  │    │
  │    ├─ img/
  │    │    └─ ...
  │    │
  │    ├─ js/
  │    │    └─ ...
  │    │
  │    ├─ scss/
  │    │    └─ ...
  │    │
  │    └─ index.html
  ├─ .firebaserc
  └─ firebase.json

public/ This directory contains everything that is up on the host server.

.firebaserc Tells Firebase the associated project (not relevant for the app). Find more detail about the logic about the app.

firebase.json The configuration file that tells Firebase what to deploy to the host server (not relevant for the app).


As you might have realized, ASCII50 has its own command line... sort of.


[dec, decimal] # Changes ASCII codes into decimal (base-10)

[hex, hexadecimal] # Changes ASCII codes into hex (base-16)

[oct, octal] # Changes ASCII codes into octal (base-8)

[bin, binary] # Changes ASCII codes into binary (base-2)

[uhm, help] # Shows a short 'tutorial' for the tool

[source, sourcecode, github] # Shows the source code

[matrix] # Follow the white rabbit

[buh] (👻)

... Secret commands you said?