A semi-autonomous Python3 and Google Sheets based college organization management tool designed for easy deployment and use.
- Designed around University of Cincinnati student identification (but can be easily modified)
- Automatic roster updates from member sign ins, including automatic additions of new members
- Ability to copy and paste in multiple rosters and condense them down to one large roster for carrying over large amounts of previously gathered data
- Control panel located within the spreadsheet document for easy settings updates during runtime
- Automatic processing of semester change
- Easy to modify roster filters and settings
- Detection and consolidation of duplicate member entries
- A Google account
- A system with python3 with pip/pip3 and internet connectivity
Create a Google Oauth2 client_key.json file from the Google Developers Console by following the instructions from this YouTube Video
(Optional) Create a python virtual environment to keep the dependencies seperate from other projects
For Linux or Mac:
python3 -m venv Name-Of-Virtual-Environment-Folder source Name-Of-Virtual-Environment-Folder/bin/activate
For Windows:
python3 -m venv Name-Of-Virtual-Environment-Folder Name-Of-Virtual-Environment-Folder\Scripts\activate.bat
Install package dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Run the program
python3 Manager.py
If there is no settings.cfg or there is an issue with the current settings.cfg file the program will go through a first time setup and you will need to enter your email and a few other things when prompted
If the sheet cannot be connected to you will be prompted to either create a new one or remediate the issue by altering settings.cfg
- Screenshots to come
- Examples to come
- Automatic generation of the google sheet that is required to use the program
- Instructions on how to cleanly integrate a google forms based sign in sheet or do it automatically
- Statistics of the internal roster
- Cleaner code, ways to rename things, and add-on implementation examples
- Models instead of ad-hoc lists of lists
- Available updated version notification
- Changes based on feedback from instances of use
- Email connectivity to alert system administrator of major issues
- Subroster generation to quickly determine subgroups of the organization's members
- Anton Burnashev's gspread is the API used to communicate with the google sheet.