git clone
python -m venv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
This project is designed to be highly scalable and user-friendly, allowing users to easily test both model-based and model-free reinforcement learning algorithms, or add custom utilities for reinforcement learning. The core environment, NFR_environment
, serves as a foundation. Users can create and integrate their own custom environments by following the NFR_environment
structure and use the existing reinforcement learning algorithms for testing and development.
Notice: The RL algorithms are modified to tackle minimization problems. Instead of obtaining the maximum Q-value when using epsilon-greedy for exploitation, we now aim to get the minimum Q-value. Therefore, if you create your own custom environment, you must adjust your environment’s reward function accordingly.
This is a project where we see the effectiveness of some Reinforcement Learning methods in order to provide Network Friendly Recommendations (NFR) to a user and reduce the cost of providing non-cached items.
Attention: The problem is treated as a minimization problem because the reward function is effectively a cost function.
Environment (Content Catalogue):
K content items. I would pick K <= 100 initially, as the code might get pretty slow otherwise. For every pair of items, i and j, create a random value u_ij in [0,1] that indicates how related content j is to content i. This i basically a random array U of size K-by-K (you can choose to make it symmetric or not). Assume the diagonal of this array (i.e. all elements u_ii) are equal to 0 (to avoid recommending the same item just watched). Assume there is a threshold u_min in [0,1] below which two contents are "irrelevant" (this is an input parameter to play around with and observe its impact). Assume C out of these contents are cached (use values of C <= 0.2 K). Cached items have cost 0, and non-cached have cost 1.
Environment (User Model):
A user might watch multiple items, one after the other during a session. After a user watches a content, N = 2 new items are recommended. With probability q (input parameter): she ends the viewing session (i.e. does not watch another video) With probability 1-q, she proceeds with one more video as follows: If ALL N recommended are "relevant" (i.e., have higher u_ij than u_min), then with probability α (input parameter): the user picks one of the N recommended items (with equal probability) With probability 1-α: the users picks any item k from the entire catalogue of K items with probability p_k (you can assume for simplicity that p_k = 1/K....i.e. uniform). If at least one of the N recommendations is irrelevant, then again the users picks any item k from the entire catalogue of K items with probability p_k.
Control variables and objective:
For every possible item i the user might watch, a tuple of N items to recommend. Objective: minimize the average total cost of items watched during a session.
Algorithms implemented:
Value Iteration and Policy Iteration to optimize recommendations, assuming all environment parameters are known. Q-learning and SARSA assuming parameters α and u_min are not known (but the u_ij relevance values, and q are still known).
Q-Learning flowchart
Q-values matrix
Network-Friendly Recommendation System using Reinforcement Learning report: to study the whole implementation of Value Iteration, Policy Iteration, Q-learning and SARSA on the general Network Friendly Recommendations problem.