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Freedom Of Information Request

Alex Olson edited this page Apr 26, 2023 · 4 revisions

Dear City of Toronto Freedom of Information Office,

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), I am writing to request access to records relating to the procurement bid "Request for Quotations for Custom Bike Rings for The Eglinton Way BIA," which was served to prospective suppliers on SAP Ariba under the Document ID "Doc3599310263."

Specifically, I am seeking access to the following:

  1. The original procurement bid document "Request for Quotations for Custom Bike Rings for The Eglinton Way BIA," including any attachments provided as part of the bid package.

  2. Any related documents, such as specifications, designs, or requirements for the custom bike rings, that were provided to prospective suppliers as part of the call for quotations.

I would appreciate receiving this information in electronic format, preferably as PDF documents, sent to my email address provided above. If electronic delivery is not possible, please provide the records in paper format by mail.

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