🚀 Live Site: https://spacex-launches-2021.netlify.app/
A simple React App that shows all past and upcoming launches for SpaceX, using the public API v4: https://github.com/r-spacex/SpaceX-API/tree/master/docs/v4
- Trello kanban board: https://trello.com/b/A3NcFbjp/spacex-launches
- Tests with Jest & react-testing-library
- Styled-Components
- React & TypeScript
- greater accuracy to Sketch template (Also, https://www.sketch.com/s/09d14b3c-a48c-478a-9d4e-94cf16d6d67f/a/zx7v7Kb has a couple of inconsistencies that I would have checked with the designer about IRL)
- react-query for cleaner management of server state/reconciling parallel api calls?
- better cache-management (launches renew every 2 seconds, rockets every 24 hours, so could be optimised to avoid unnecessary calls)
- react-window for list?
- Cypress e2e tests for testing integration with api and testing more of user interactions/state updates
- better responsiveness (only minimal media queries included, fonts not managed)
- better browser/device support/testing
- art design for images (default smallest one used due to time constraints/performance payoff) & image transformation to WebP (Lighthouse score lower due to image aspect-ratio)