The content is the same as in the Full stack course held at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Helsinki in Spring 2019.
Styled with MaterialUI, tested with Cypress & supertest
- React/ApolloClient FrontEnd with caching and basic auth: - FrontEnd
- GraphQL/ApolloServer/NodeJS BackEnd, using MongoDB/Mongoose: - BackEnd
Styled with TailwindCSS
- ReactRouter, Styling, Webpack
- React Router
- Coursework: Routed Anecdotes
- React Bootstrap, SemanticUI, Styled Components
- Webpack config
- Coursework: Webpack From Scratch
- Legacy Class Components
- E2E Testing with Cypress
- Coursework:
- State Management with Redux
- Flux architecture & Redux
- Combined Reducers, Connect
- Redux Thunk & Redux Devtools
- Coursework: Unicafe with Redux
- Coursework: Anecdotes with Redux
- Testing React Apps, Custom Hooks
- FrontEnd Login
- PropTypes
- Testing w react-testing-library
- Custom Hooks
- Coursework: Bloglist
- Coursework: Phonenumber Hooks
- Testing Express apps, User administration
- Project structure
- Testing w supertest
- User admin
- Token authentication, Middleware
- Coursework: Bloglist
- Programming a Server with Node.js & Express.js
- Node.js & Express.js
- Deploying with Heroku
- MongoDB & Mongoose
- Validation, ESLint
- Coursework: Phonebook Backend
- Communicating with Servers
- Collections, Anti-patterns
- Forms
- Getting data from server
- Submitting data to server, REST
- Styling React Apps
- Coursework: Course Contents
- Coursework: Phonebook
- Coursework: Data for Countries
- Intro to React
- JavaScript
- Coursework: Course Information
- Coursework: Anecdotes
- Component State, Event Handlers
- Complex State, Debugging
- Coursework: Unicafe
- Fundamentals of Web Apps
- Coursework: Notes