Next Project for ClauText, ClauText Schema Maker? and Validator ( check JsonLint )
With ClauText API?
1. DONE - %multiple
2. %can_empty (array)
3. DONE? - id
4. DONE? - total_id
(do not check total_id, if depth == 0)??
(check id, if depth == 0) !?
5. one_more
6. just_one
(5,6 => $list_size = { }) ?
# done? - %int%string -> int or string!
#cf) %int%multiple or %int%multiple_4
# remove - just_one, one_more, order_off? or %multiple_on ?
# %int + number -> %int %int %int ...
# array -> %order_on?
# object -> %order_off?
# optional! - remove, and use defualt? <> required..
# num of valid var or val??
# check - exist chck array?
%order_on # default, <> use order_off
# object + order_off, array + order_on. ?
$test2 = {
$Event = {
id = __init__
$load_only_data2 = { { "C:\Users\vztpv\Desktop\Clau\ClauLint\ClauLint\test2.txt" }
{ test2 } { 0 } { 0 } }
$print = { data = { "init end.." } }
$print = { enter = { \n } }
$return = { test2 } # returns data folder?
$Event = {
id = aaa
$parameter = { name is_usertype real_dir } # real_dir - ToDo!
$print = { { $parameter.is_usertype } }
$print = { { \n } }
$print = { { $ } }
$print = { { \n } }
$print = { { $parameter.real_dir } }
$print = { { \n } }
$if = {
cond = {
then = {
$return = { TRUE }
$return = { FALSE }
xxx%optional = %int
yyy = 3
x = { # %multiple_on + one ut. and repeating this can`t.
a%can_empty_ut%one_more%optional = { %order_on %multiple_on # - default, remove multiple_on, off?
%can_empty_ut%int%event_aaa = { %order_on %multiple_on %int%total_id }
# cf) number of int?
#xxx = 100
yyy = 3
#k = { 3 }
x = {
#a = { 3 = { } 4 = { 5 8 } 4 = { 6 } }
#a = { 44 = { 1 } }
#a = { 445 = { 3 7 } }