Welcome to the Malta Car Registration Tax Calculator! This script calculates the registration tax based on various parameters including CO2 emissions, vehicle length, registration value, and Euro Standard.
- Calculate Vehicle Registration Tax: Supports both petrol and diesel vehicles.
- Dynamic Calculation: Uses specific rates for different Euro standards and vehicle lengths.
- User-Friendly Input: Prompts for necessary inputs and validates them.
- Detailed Summary: Provides a detailed summary of entered values and calculations.
- Error Handling: Includes error handling for invalid inputs.
- Python 3.x
- Clone the repository or download the script file.
- Run the script using Python:
python malta_car_reg.py
- Follow the prompts to enter the required vehicle details:
- CO2 emissions (g/km)
- Registration Value (RV)
- Vehicle Length (mm)
- Euro Standard (3, 4, 5, 6)
- Choose the vehicle type (Petrol or Diesel).
- The script will calculate and display the total registration tax along with a summary of entered values.
Length Tax Calculation: Length Tax Rate is determined based on the vehicle length.
Length Tax = Vehicle Length (mm) × Registration Value (RV) × Length Tax Rate / 100
CO2 Tax Calculation: CO2 Tax Rate is determined based on the Euro Standard.
CO2 Tax = CO2 Emissions (g/km) × Registration Value (RV) × CO2 Tax Rate / 100
Let’s say we have the following vehicle details:
- CO2 Emissions: 298 g/km
- Registration Value (RV): €28,189
- Vehicle Length: 4,650 mm
- Euro Standard: 4
- Length Tax Calculation:
For a vehicle length of 4,650 mm, the length tax rate is 0.0032%.
Length Tax = 4650 × 28189 × 0.0032 100 = 4194.52
- CO2 Tax Calculation:
For Euro Standard 4, the CO2 tax rate is 0.44%.
CO2 Tax = 298 × 28189 × 0.44 100 = 36961.42
- Total Registration Tax
Total Tax = Length Tax + CO2 Tax = 4194.52 + 36961.42 = 41155.94
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1. Petrol Vehicle
2. Diesel Vehicle
3. Exit
Enter your choice (1/2/3): 1
Enter CO2 emissions (g/km): 298
Enter Registration Value (RV): 28189
Enter Vehicle Length (mm): 4650
Enter Euro Standard (3, 4, 5, 6): 4
| Value | Entered Value |
| CO2 Emissions | 298.00 |
| Registration Value (RV) | 28189.00 |
| Vehicle Length (mm) | 4650.00 |
| Euro Standard | 4 |
Length Tax Calculation: 4650.0 * 28189.0 * 0.0032 / 100 = 4194.52
CO2 Tax Calculation: 298.0 * 28189.0 * 0.44 / 100 = 36961.42
Total Tax Calculation: 4194.52 + 36961.42 = 41155.94
| Vehicle Type | Total Registration Tax (€) |
| Petrol Vehicle | 41155.94 |
This script is based on the calculations and guidelines provided in the document using NEDC rates:
Document: SOPV 02 - Registering & Licensing of New & Used Motor Vehicles
Source: Transport Malta
This project is licensed under the MIT License.