Here you can find the list of Tecnological Companies based in Asturias (spain) and their related information
Name | URL | HQ | Sector | Type | Technology |
eBroker | | Pravia | Finance | Product | SaaS |
ENVIRAIoT | | Llanera | Environment | Product | On-demand |
Flame analytics | | Gijón | Marketing | Product | SaaS |
okticket | | Gijón | Finance | Product | SaaS |
Mobentis | | Llanera | Management | Service | On-demand |
MovilGmao | | Oviedo | Processes | Product | SaaS |
Onirix | | Llanera | Innovation | Product | SaaS |
Trypton Software | | Llanera | Program Development | Product | SaaS |
Just create a Pull Request to this repository and we will review it. Once approved, it will appear on this list. As simple as it is.
- Name: The name of your company
- URL: Complete URL of the webpage that represents your company
- HQ: The city or village where your company is located
- Sector: What is the sector your company is targeting?
- Type: Allowed values
, in case your company sells product/s somehow to customers, orService
, in case your company offers its services to other companies. - Technology: You can write values like
, in case your product is Software as a Service, Markerplace, Mobile... it's quite open field.
|My Company||Pravia|Finance|Product|SaaS|
Yes, it's free, there is no fees or similar for appearing on this list :)
In case still you want to thank in some way, please share the link of this repository accross the world!
Yes, alphabetical order by NAME
Take a look to the last commit of this file.
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