This is a standard meterics script included in all CloudExis Software. The data collected is used to help us build software tailored towards our customers. You can find some examples of us modifying our source to better fit our clients needs below!
CloudExis Eage Eye
2023 - 2025 CloudExis LLC
All Rights Reserved
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Matric | Collected | Why? |
Operating System | Once | To determine what langauges and libraries we should use in our products. |
Provider | Once | Marketing Purposes |
System Specs | Once | To determine what langauges and libraries we should use in our products. |
Resource Usage by CE Product | Daily | To see how our software operates on "in the wild" |
Name of CE Product | Once | Product Research |
Version of CE Product | Weekly | Product Research |
Working Directory | Once | Product Research |
Installation Source | Once | Product Research |