An Alexa skill to retrieve Pokémon evolution information. Written in Scala, utilizing the PokéAPI. Specifically, this skill will tell you a Pokémon's evolutionary stages, and what level that they evolve at. If the evolution requires something other than a level to evolve at, Alexa will give a general response to indicate as much.
Disclaimer: Information is only as up-to-date as the PokeAPI information is. At the time of this writing, Pokémon in Sun/Moon are not available.
Ask your Echo or Echo Dot such questions as...
Alexa, ask My Tini Dex about Bulbasaur.
Alexa, ask My Tini Dex what level Abra evolves at.
Alexa, ask My Tini Dex what Venonat evolves into.
Alexa, ask My Tini Dex how do I use this?
Unfortunately you can't use "DratiniDex" because Alexa doesn't seem to register that phrase to invoke the skill. "My Tini Dex" it is.
At the time of this writing this is not a published skill, so to use it you'll need to build your own. But hey, that's probably why you're on this page anyway, yeah?
The following information assumes you already know how to create Alexa Skills and AWS Lambda functions.
- Java 1.8.x
- Scala 2.11.x
- SBT 0.13.x
- AWS Account for Lambda service access
- An Alexa-capable device, such as the Echo or Echo Dot.
AWS Lambda Configuration Information:
Region: us-east-1 (Alexa triggers don't show up in other regions, it seems.)
Runtime: Java 8
Handler: com.clydemachine.dratinidex.DratiniDexSpeechletRequestStreamHandler
Memory: I used 512MB as that's the default. Tweak this if you're adventurous.
I don't own Pokémon, and am not personally affiliated with anyone who maintains Pokémon. I don't own PokéAPI, and am not personally affiliated with anyone who maintains PokéAPI. I do not and will not monetize any part of this software, as I only intend for it to be a useful Alexa skill for those who enjoy the Pokémon games. Feel free to improve, contribute, make your own, etc. according to the license on this project.
This Alexa skill is not sponsored or endorsed by Pokémon, Nintendo or their affiliates.
Joe Greene