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Lesson 1.4: Advanced React Props and State

E Thompson edited this page Sep 25, 2021 · 2 revisions

This assignment will teach you the following:

  • Lifting State
  • Controlled Components
  • Props handling


Move Todo List into State

  • Open /src/App.js
  • Create new state variable named todoList with setter setTodoList and default value of an empty Array
  • Pass todoList state as a prop named todoList to the TodoList component
  • Open /src/TodoList.js
  • Add props as a parameter to the TodoList functional component
  • Change todoList to reference props instead of the hard-coded variable
  • Delete the hard-coded todoList variable
  • Run your application and view in browser
    • Verify that your Todo List is now empty (no list items)

Control "Add Todo" Input

  • Open /src/AddTodoForm.js
  • Create new state variable named todoTitle with setter setTodoTitle
  • Modify the <input> element to be a controlled input
    • Add value prop equal to todoTitle from component props
    • Add onChange prop equal to handleTitleChange function reference (we will declare this function in the next step)
  • Above the handleAddTodo function, declare a new function named handleTitleChange that takes event as a parameter
    • First, retrieve the input value from the event object and store in variable named newTodoTitle
    • Then, call the state setter setTodoTitle and pass newTodoTitle
  • In the handleAddTodo function, remove the todoTitle variable and update onAddTodo callback handler to pass our todoTitle state variable instead
  • Run your application and view in browser
    • Enter a new todo in "Add Todo" form, submit, and verify that the title appears below

Add New Todo to List

  • Open /src/App.js
  • Remove the newTodo state variable and the corresponding JSX that displays it
  • Declare a new function named addTodo that takes newTodo as a parameter
    • Call the setTodoList state setter and use the spread operator to pass the existing Objects in the todoList Array along with the newTodo Object
  • Change the value of the onAddTodo prop for AddTodoForm to addTodo
  • Open /src/AddTodoForm.js
  • Inside handleAddTodo, update the onAddTodo callback prop to pass an Object instead of a String; Object should have the following properties:
    • title: equal to todoTitle
    • id: unique identifier (hint: use to generate a unique number)
      • Disclaimer: we are suggesting for now as a placeholder for unique number generation, but in the future you should not use this
  • Inside handleAddTodo, remove the reset() method and replace it with logic to reset the todoTitle state to an empty String
  • Run your application and view in browser
    • Enter a todo in "Add Todo" form, submit, and verify item is visible in todo list
    • Enter another todo, submit, and verify that two items are visible in todo list

Destructure Props

  • Open /src/TodoList.js and update props to use destructuring
  • Open /src/TodoListItem.js and update props to use destructuring
  • Open /src/AddTodoForm.js and update props to use destructuring
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