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Lesson 1.7

E Thompson edited this page Oct 10, 2021 · 2 revisions

This lesson will teach you the following:

  • Asynchronous Data
  • Conditional Rendering
  • Advanced State
  • Impossible State


Remove Custom Hook

  • Open src/App.js
  • Delete the useSemiPersistentState function call from App
  • Copy the useState and useEffect hooks from useSemiPersistentState function back into App
  • Delete the useSemiPersistentState function
  • Run your application and view in browser
    • Verify that your Todo List still appears correctly


Currently our list data is retrieved synchronously from the browser's storage, but in the next lesson we will be fetching it asynchronously from an API. Let's update our code to mimic asynchronous data fetching:

  • Below the todoList state, define a useEffect React hook with an empty dependency list
  • Inside the side-effect handler function, define a new Promise and pass in a callback function with parameters resolve and reject
    • hint: Promise() constructor
  • To mimic a loading delay, inside the callback function declare a timeout (hint: setTimeout method) with the following arguments:
    • callback: function with no parameters
    • delay time: 2000 milliseconds (2 seconds)
  • Inside the timeout callback function, call the parameter resolve which is a callback function for when the Promise is successful and pass it an Object with property data as a nested empty Object
  • Inside the data object, add a property todoList and set it's value to the initial/default list state (copy from useState hook)
  • Update the default state for todoList to be an empty Array
  • View your application in the browser
    • Notice that the Todo List is now empty and doesn't persist after refresh

So what's missing? We are retrieving our list from localStorage but we aren't updating our todoList state with the data so it remains empty. Let's fix that:

  • Chain a then method to your Promise constructor and pass it a function with parameter result
  • Inside the function, use your state setter to update the list and pass the todoList from your result object
  • View your application in the browser

You'll notice now that the list is being saved in localStorage but after refreshing the page it is reset to empty. This is because our other side-effect is overwriting the data before the asynchronous fetch is complete.

We need a way to know that the data is still loading before trying to update it in localStorage.

Add Loading State

  • After the todoList state declaration, create a new state variable named isLoading with update function named setIsLoading with default value true
  • Inside the second useEffect hook (with todoList dependency), add an if statement to check that isLoading is false before setting localStorage

Now we just need to way to turn loading off once the data has been fetched.

  • Revisit the then callback in the first useEffect hook
  • After setting the todoList state, add another line to set isLoading state to false
  • View your application in the browser
    • Enter a new todo in "Add Todo" form and submit
    • Reload the page and wait 2 seconds
    • Notice that the saved item now appears in the list

Great! Now our data is being saved properly again, but that delay in loading makes it seem like the list is empty at first. Let's add a loading indicator to prevent confusion.

Create Conditional Loading Indicator

  • Inside the App JSX, create a new paragraph element above TodoList with text "Loading..."
  • View your application in the browser
    • Reload the page and notice that the loading message is visible
    • Wait 2 seconds and notice that the Todo List appears but the loading message is still there

We don't want to always show the loading indicator, it should conditionally appear based on our isLoading state.

  • Using a ternary operator inside JSX, if isLoading is true render the loading message, otherwise render the TodoList component
  • View your application in the browser
    • Reload the page and notice that the loading message is visible
    • Wait 2 seconds and notice that the loading indicator disappears when the Todo List becomes visible

Stretch Goals

Work in progress...