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Level Design

Ricardo Lüders edited this page Jul 3, 2021 · 1 revision

The purpose of this part of the document is to explain how to design levels for Pod Escape.

Obstacles groups

There are right now two groups of obstacles:

  • killingObstacles: All obstacles that kill the player when colliding with them.
  • dashable: All obstacles that the player can dash through them but if it is not dashing, they will kill him ( wall)

Every new obstacle need to be added to one of those groups for collisions to work

Creating a level

  1. Create a new scene with a Node2D as root.
  2. Click on the "Instance a scene as a Node" button.
  3. Select res://src/Levels/Floor.tscn as the scene to instance so you can add the first floor.
  4. Repeat step 2 for every obstacle or collectable to add to the scene (always as a child of the root node, if you want to create a new obstacle, do it in res://src/Scenes directory).
  5. Add a VisibilityNotifier2D as a child of the root node and move it to the end of the level (see HardBlockFire.tscn as an example)
  6. Select the difficulty of the level.
  7. Save the scene with the name you want in the res://src/Levels directory.
  8. Open res://src/Levels/World.tscn in the Godot editor.
  9. Select LevelController node.
  10. Add your new scene to the corresponding array in the inspector, depending on the difficulty of the level.
  11. Save the World scene.
  12. Test your scene and do all the modifications you want. Check next section for easy tests.
  13. Commit and push your code.

Testing your levels

For testing your levels in an easy way and not having to wait for a medium or hard level to appear, do the following:

  1. In World scene, add your level to Debug Levels array.
  2. Enable Level Debug.
  3. Run the game. The levels you want to test now will appear in the first minute.
  4. Remember to disable Level Debug before pushing and cleaning the array.
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