The Excercise was, come up with your own verison of the DPP, implement your idea using Java and solve the Deadlock problem. (Animations would be appreciated)
- Robert Freiseisen
- Christhoper Buchberger (Project Leader)
So what did we come up with?
First of all we really had to be extremly close to the original problem, it was not allowed to have like 4 or 6 Persons nor did we were able to change the way the deadlock can be produced. So here is how we did it.
- We have 5 test subject standing arround a circuluar table.
- All of the test subject have been blindfoolded so that they can not see what the other ones do.
- Between 2 person is 1 button which sums up to 5 buttons
- If a person can press both buttons he or she is allowed to sit down.
- But if everyone presses at the same time they all will wait for their neighbour to release the button , but no one will ever do it ---> Deadlock
- Magic
Let's say our test persons signed a contract that they can not sue us for any physical damage which might occur.
If 2 neighbours press the button at the same time they will both get an electric shock, and will be forced to let of the button.
If this sounds a bit to brutal let's suppose the buttons have a finger scanner inside and if test subject a presses the left button the right button will only be able to be pressed by subject a.
For any questions about this project contact me -->