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Schemio - .Net Library to hydrate data entities by object graph using schema paths (supports XPath & JSONPath.)


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ninja Schemio v1.0

NuGet version License: MIT Master-Build GitHub Release Master-CodeQL .Net 8.0

Nuget Packages

i. Schemio.Core - Provides core functionality to configure nested queries and transformers. With ability to map schema paths (XPath/JSONPath) to entity's object graph. No QueryEngine provided and requires implementing IQueryEngine to execute IQuery instances.

ii. Schemio.SQL - Provides schemio with query engine using Dapper to execute SQL queries.

iii. Schemio.EntityFramework - Provides schemio with Entity Framework query engine to execute queries using DbContext.


What is Schemio?

Schemio is a .net utility to hydrate an entity with data by specifying schema paths or sections of its object graph.

Supports XPath & JsonPath for schema paths.

When to use Schemio?

Schemio is perfect fit when you need to fetch parts of a large entity from given data storage. Ideally, you may not want all of the entity data but preferably only sections of the object graph depending on the context for fetch.

Few example schemio use cases that require the service tier to dynamically fetch data for high performance, availability and scalability are

  • Reporting
  • Document Generation ( with templated data)
  • Content Management Systems
  • Many more

How to use Schemio?

To use schemio you need to

Step 1 - Setup the entity to be fetched.

Step 2 - Construct the DataProvider with required dependencies.

Step 1. Entity Setup

Setting up an entity includes the following.

  • Define the entity to be fetched using DataProvider - which is basically a class with entire object graph (with nested typed properties).
  • Define the entity schema which is schema path mapping of the entire entity object graph. Each mapping consists of a query and transformer pair mapped to a sections of object graph (using XPaths or JsonPath for schema paths)

1.1 Entity

To mark the class as Entity, implement the class from IEntity interface. Bear in mind this is the root entity to be fetched.

Below is an example Customer entity.

public class Customer : IEntity
       public int CustomerId { get; set; }
       public string CustomerCode { get; set; }
       public string CustomerName { get; set; }
       public Communication Communication { get; set; }
       public Order[] Orders { get; set; }

For the customer class, we can see there are three levels of nesting in the object graph.

  • Level 1 with paths: Customer
  • Level 2 with paths: Customer.Communication and Customer.Orders
  • Level 3 with paths: Customer.Orders.Items

If we choose XML Schema Definition (XSD) for the object schema of the above Customer class fo mapping with XPATHs then below is the Customer XSD and XPaths for different nesting levels.

Customer XSD is

Coming soon...

Schema mappings using XPaths are

- Level 1 with XPath: Customer
- Level 2 with XPaths: Customer/Communication and Customer/Orders
- Level 3 with XPath: Customer/Orders/Order/Items/Item

1.2 Entity Schema Definition

Define entity schema definition for the entity in context.

  • Entity schema definition is basically a configuration with hierarchy of query/transformer pairs mapped to the schema paths pointing to different levels of the entity's object graph.
  • Query is an implementation to fetch data for a certain section of object graph from an underlying data storage.
  • Transformer is an implementation to map the data fetched by the linked query to the relevant sections of the entity's object graph.

To define Entity schema, implement BaseEntitySchema<T> interface where T is entity in context.

Example Entity Schema Definition (using XPaths)

The Customer entity with three levels of nesting is configured below in CustomerSchema definition to show query/transformer pairs nested accordingly mapping to object graph using the XPath definitions.

internal class CustomerSchema : BaseEntitySchema<Customer>
      public override IEnumerable<Mapping<Customer, IQueryResult>> GetSchema()
          return CreateSchema.For<Customer>()
              .Map<CustomerQuery, CustomerTransform>(For.Paths("customer"),
               customer => customer.Dependents
                  .Map<CustomerCommunicationQuery, CustomerCommunicationTransform>(For.Paths("customer/communication"))
                  .Map<CustomerOrdersQuery, CustomerOrdersTransform>(For.Paths("customer/orders"),
                      customerOrders => customerOrders.Dependents
                          .Map<CustomerOrderItemsQuery, CustomerOrderItemsTransform>(For.Paths("customer/orders/order/items")))
i. Query/Transformer Mapping

Every Query type in the EntitySchema definition should have a complementing Transformer type. You could map multiple schema paths to a given query/transformer pair. Currently, XPath and JSONPath schema languages are supported.

Below is the snippet from CustomerSchema definition.

  .Map<CustomerQuery, CustomerTransform>(For.Paths("customer", "customer/code", "customer/name"))
ii. Nested Query/Transformer Mappings
  • You could nest query/transformer pairs in a parent/child hierarchy. In which case the output of the parent query will serve as the input to the child query to resolve its query paramter.
  • The query/transformer mappings can be nested to 5 levels down.
  • When certain schema paths are included in the DataProvider request to fetch the Entity, the relevant query and transformer pairs get executed in the order of their nesting to hydrate the entity.

Example nesting of Communication query under Customer query.

    .Map<CustomerQuery, CustomerTransform>(For.Paths("customer"), -- Parent
          customer => customer.Dependents
              .Map<CustomerCommunicationQuery, CustomerCommunicationTransform>(For.Paths("customer/communication")) -- Child

Please see the execution sequence below for queries and transformers nested in CustomerSchema implemented above.


Please Note: If you need to support custom schema language for mapping the object graph, then see extending schemio section below.

1.2.1 Query Class

The purpose of a query class is to execute with supported QueryEngine to fetch data from data storage.

QueryEngine is an implementation of IQueryEngine to execute queries against a supported data storage to return a collection of query results (ie. of type IQueryResult).

As explained above, You can configure a query in Parent or Child (nested) mode in nested hierarchies.

i. Parent Query

To define a parent or root query which is usually configured at level 1 to query the root entity, derive from aseRootQuery<TQueryParameter, TQueryResult>

  • TQueryParameter is basically the class that holds the inputs required by the root query for execution. It is an implementation of IQueryParameter type.
  • TQueryResult is the result that will be returned from executing the root query. It is an implementation of IQueryResult type.

The query parameter needs to be resolved before executing the query with QueryEngine.

In parent mode, the query parameter is resolved using the IDataContext parameter passed to data provider class.

See example CustomerQuery implemented to be configured and run in parent mode below.

internal class CustomerQuery : BaseRootQuery<CustomerParameter, CustomerResult>
       public override void ResolveRootQueryParameter(IDataContext context)
           // Executes as Parent or Level 1 query.
           // The query parameter is resolved using IDataContext parameter of data provider class.

           var customer = (CustomerContext)context;
           QueryParameter = new CustomerParameter
               CustomerId = customer.CustomerId

ii. Child Query

To define a child or dependant query which is usually configured as child at level below the root query to query, derive from BaseChildQuery<TQueryParameter, TQueryResult>

  • TQueryParameter is basically the class that holds the inputs required by the child query for execution. It is an implementation of IQueryParameter type.
  • TQueryResult is the result that will be returned by executing the child query. It is an implementation of IQueryResult type.

Similar to Root query, the query parameter of child query needs to be resolved before executing with QueryEngine.

In child mode, the query parameter is resolved using the query result of the parent query. You can have a maximum of 5 levels of query nestings.

See example CustomerCommunicationQuery implemented to be configured and run as child or nested query to customer query below. Please see CustomerSchema definition above for parent/child configuration setup.

   internal class CustomerCommunicationQuery : BaseChildQuery<CustomerParameter, CommunicationResult>
       public override void ResolveChildQueryParameter(IDataContext context, IQueryResult parentQueryResult)
           // Execute as child to customer query.
           // The result from parent customer query is used to resolve the query parameter of the nested communication query.

           var customer = (CustomerResult)parentQueryResult;
           QueryParameter = new CustomerParameter
               CustomerId = customer.Id

Query Engines

Please Note: The above query implementation examples are with respect to parent/child configuration. The actual storage specific query definition should vary with specific implementation of the QueryEngine.

Please see supported Query engine implementations below.

  • Schemio.SQL - provides the implementation of IQueryEngine to execute SQL queries. Uses Dapper for SQL data acess.
  • Schemio.EntityFramework - provides implementation of IQueryEngine to execute Entity Framework queries.

Query using Schemio.SQL The SQL query needs to implement BaseSQLRootQuery<TQueryParameter, TQueryResult> or BaseSQLChildQuery<TQueryParameter, TQueryResult> based on parent or child implementation. And, requires implementing public abstract CommandDefinition GetCommandDefinition() method to return command definition for query to be executed with Dapper supported QueryEngine.

See below example CustomerQuery implemented as Root SQL query

internal class CustomerQuery : BaseSQLRootQuery<CustomerParameter, CustomerResult>
       public override void ResolveRootQueryParameter(IDataContext context)
           // Executes as root or level 1 query.
           var customer = (CustomerContext)context.Entity;
           QueryParameter = new CustomerParameter
               CustomerId = (int)customer.CustomerId

      public override IEnumerable<CustomerResult> Execute(IDbConnection conn)
           return conn.Query<CustomerResult>(new CommandDefinition
               "select CustomerId as Id, " +
                      "Customer_Name as Name," +
                      "Customer_Code as Code " +
               $"from TCustomer where customerId={QueryParameter.CustomerId}"

See below example CustomerOrderItemsQuery implemented as child SQL query.

internal class CustomerOrderItemsQuery : BaseSQLChildQuery<OrderItemParameter, OrderItemResult>
       public override void ResolveChildQueryParameter(IDataContext context, IQueryResult parentQueryResult)
           // Execute as child query to order query taking OrderResult to resolve query parameter.
           var ordersResult = (OrderResult)parentQueryResult;

           QueryParameter ??= new OrderItemParameter();

       public override IEnumerable<OrderItemResult> Execute(IDbConnection conn)
           return conn.Query<OrderItemResult>(new CommandDefinition
               "select OrderId, " +
                      "OrderItemId as ItemId, " +
                      "Name, " +
                      "Cost " +
               $"from TOrderItem where OrderId in ({QueryParameter.ToCsv()})"

Query using Schemio.EntityFramework The SQL query needs to implement BaseSQLRootQuery<TQueryParameter, TQueryResult> or BaseSQLChildQuery<TQueryParameter, TQueryResult> based on parent or child implementation. And, requires implementing public abstract IEnumerable<IQueryResult> Run(DbContext dbContext) method to implement query using DbContext using entity framework.

See below example CustomerQuery implemented as Root Entity framework query

internal class CustomerQuery : BaseSQLRootQuery<CustomerParameter, CustomerResult>
       public override void ResolveRootQueryParameter(IDataContext context)
           // Executes as root or level 1 query.
           var customer = (CustomerContext)context.Entity;
           QueryParameter = new CustomerParameter
               CustomerId = (int)customer.CustomerId

       public override IEnumerable<IQueryResult> Run(DbContext dbContext)
           return dbContext.Set<Customer>()
                       .Where(c => c.Id == QueryParameter.CustomerId)
                       .Select(c => new CustomerResult
                           Id = c.Id,
                           Name = c.Name,
                           Code = c.Code

See below example CustomerOrderItemsQuery implemented as child Entity framework query.

internal class CustomerOrderItemsQuery : BaseSQLChildQuery<OrderItemParameter, OrderItemResult>
       public override void ResolveChildQueryParameter(IDataContext context, IQueryResult parentQueryResult)
           // Execute as child query to order query taking OrderResult to resolve query parameter.
           var ordersResult = (CustomerOrderResult)parentQueryResult;

           QueryParameter ??= new OrderItemParameter();

       public override IEnumerable<IQueryResult> Run(DbContext dbContext)
           return dbContext.Set<OrderItem>()
               .Where(p => QueryParameter.OrderIds.Contains(p.Order.OrderId))
               .Select(c => new OrderItemResult
                   ItemId = c.ItemId,
                   Name = c.Name,
                   Cost = c.Cost,
                   OrderId = c.Order.OrderId

2.2 Tranformer Class

The purpose of the transformer class is to transform the data fetched by the linked query class and mapp to the configured object graph of the entity.

To define a transformer class, you need to implement BaseTransformer<TQueryResult, TEntity>

  • where TEntity is Entity implementing IEntity. eg. Customer.
  • where TQueryResult is Query Result from associated Query. It is an implementation of IQueryResult interface.

Note: It is important that the transformer should map data only to the schema path(s) pointing section(s) of the object graph.

For the example query/transformer mapping

  .Map<CustomerQuery, CustomerTransform>(For.Paths("customer"))

The customer transformer maps data only to the customer xpath mapped object graph of customer class. ie. - customer/id, customer/customercode, customer/customername

In below transformer example, CustomerTransformer is implemented to transform entity Customer with CustomerResult query result obtained from CustomerQuery execution.

internal class CustomerTransform : BaseTransformer<CustomerResult, Customer>
       public override Customer Transform(CustomerResult queryResult, Customer entity)
           var customer = entity ?? new Customer();
           customer.CustomerId = queryResult.Id;
           customer.CustomerName = queryResult.CustomerName;
           customer.CustomerCode = queryResult.CustomerCode;
           return customer;

DataProvider Setup

Data provider needs to setup with required dependencies. Provide implementations of below dependencies to construct the data provider.

  • ILogger<DataProvider<TEntity>> - logger implementation. default no logger.
  • IEntitySchema<TEntity> - mandatory entity schema definition for entity's object graph.
  • IQueryEngine - implementation of query engine to execute queries (of type IQuery) with supported data storage.
  • ISchemaPathMatcher - implementation of schema path matcher to use custom schema paths with entity schema definition.

Example constructors:

i. With EntitySchema and QueryEngine implementations.

    public DataProvider(IEntitySchema<TEntity> entitySchema, params IQueryEngine[] queryEngines)

ii. With Logger, EntitySchema, QueryEngine, and SchemaPathmMatcher for custom schema paths mapping in entity schema definition.

    public DataProvider(ILogger<DataProvider<TEntity>> logger, IEntitySchema<TEntity> entitySchema, ISchemaPathMatcher schemaPathMatcher, params IQueryEngine[] queryEngines)


Construct DataProvider using Schemio.SQL.QueryEngine query engine.

var provider = new DataProvider(new CustomerSchema(), new Schemio.SQL.QueryEngine(new SQLConfiguration()));


Construct DataProvider using Schemio.EntityFramework.QueryEngine query engine.

var provider = new DataProvider(new CustomerSchema(), Schemio.EntityFramework.QueryEngine());

Using IOC for registrations

With ServiceCollection, you should call the services.UseSchemio() method for IoC registration.

To configure Data provider with SQL Query engine, use fluent registration apis as shown below -

  services.UseSchemio<Customer>(With.Schema<Customer>(c => new CustomerSchema())
               .AddEngine(c => new QueryEngine(new SQLConfiguration {  ConnectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings {
                       Providername = "System.Data.SqlClient", 
                       ConnectionString ="Data Source=Powerstation; Initial Catalog=Customer; Integrated Security=SSPI;"            
               .LogWith(c => new Logger<IDataProvider<Customer>>(c.GetService<ILoggerFactory>())));

To configure Data provider with Entity Framework Query engine, use fluent registration apis shown as below -

  services.AddDbContextFactory<CustomerDbContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(YourSqlConnection), ServiceLifetime.Scoped);


  services.UseSchemio<Customer>(With.Schema<Customer>(c => new CustomerSchema())
    .AddEngine(c => new QueryEngine<CustomerDbContext>(c.GetService<IDbContextFactory<CustomerDbContext>>()))
    .LogWith(c => new Logger<IDataProvider<Customer>>(c.GetService<ILoggerFactory>())));

Please Note: You can combine multiple query engines and implement different types of queries to execute on different supported platforms.

To use Data provider, Inject IDataProvider using constructor & property injection method or explicity Resolve using service provider ie. IServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(IDataProvider<>))

Extend Schemio

Custom Query Engine

To provide custom query engine and query implementations, you need to extend the base interfaces as depicted below

  • IQueryEngine interface to implement the custom query engine to be used with schemio.
public interface IQueryEngine
        /// <summary>
        /// Detrmines whether an instance of query can be executed with this engine.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query">instance of IQuery.</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean; True when supported.</returns>
        bool CanExecute(IQuery query);

        /// <summary>
        /// Executes a list of queries returning a list of aggregated results.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queries">List of IQuery instances.</param>
        /// <returns>List of query results. Instances of IQueryResult.</returns>
        IEnumerable<IQueryResult> Execute(IEnumerable<IQuery> queries);

Example Entity Framework implementation is below

public class QueryEngine<T> : IQueryEngine where T : DbContext
        private readonly IDbContextFactory<T> _dbContextFactory;

        public QueryEngine(IDbContextFactory<T> _dbContextFactory)
            this._dbContextFactory = _dbContextFactory;

        public bool CanExecute(IQuery query) => query != null && query is ISQLQuery;

        public IEnumerable<IQueryResult> Execute(IEnumerable<IQuery> queries)
            var output = new List<IQueryResult>();

            using (var dbcontext = _dbContextFactory.CreateDbContext())
                foreach (var query in queries)
                    var results = ((ISQLQuery)query).Run(dbcontext);

                    if (results == null)


                return output.ToArray();
  • Provide base implementation supporting IQuery, IRootQuery & IChildQuery interfaces.
  • You can implement the parent and child base class implementations to construct for queries to be executed with custom engine implementation above.

For Parent Query base implementation, see example below.

public abstract class BaseSQLRootQuery<TQueryParameter, TQueryResult>
        : BaseRootQuery<TQueryParameter, TQueryResult>, ISQLQuery
       where TQueryParameter : IQueryParameter
       where TQueryResult : IQueryResult
        /// <summary>
        /// Get query delegate with implementation to return query result.
        /// Delegate returns a collection from db.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Func<DbContext, IEnumerable<IQueryResult>></returns>
        public abstract IEnumerable<IQueryResult> Run(DbContext dbContext);

For Child Query implementation, see example below.

public abstract class BaseSQLChildQuery<TQueryParameter, TQueryResult>
        : BaseChildQuery<TQueryParameter, TQueryResult>, ISQLQuery
       where TQueryParameter : IQueryParameter
       where TQueryResult : IQueryResult
        /// <summary>
        /// Get query delegate with implementation to return query result.
        /// Delegate returns a collection from db.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Func<DbContext, IEnumerable<IQueryResult>></returns>
        public abstract IEnumerable<IQueryResult> Run(DbContext dbContext);

Custom Schema Language

You can provide your own schema language support for use in entity schema definition to map sections of object graph.

To do this you need to follow the below steps

  • Provide entity schema definition with query/transformer pairs using custom schema language paths
  • Provide implementation of ISchemaPathMatcher interface and implement IsMatch() method to provide logic for matching custom paths. This matcher is used by query builder to pick queries for matched paths against the configured p in Entity schema definition.
public interface ISchemaPathMatcher
        bool IsMatch(string inputPath, ISchemaPaths configuredPaths);

Example implementation of XPath matcher is below.

public class XPathMatcher : ISchemaPathMatcher
        private static readonly Regex ancestorRegex = new Regex(@"=ancestor::(?'path'.*?)(/@|\[.*\]/@)", RegexOptions.Compiled);

        public bool IsMatch(string inputXPath, ISchemaPaths configuredXPaths)
            if (inputXPath == null)
                return false;

            if (configuredXPaths.Paths.Any(x => inputXPath.ToLower().Contains(x.ToLower())))
                return true;

            if (configuredXPaths.Paths.Any(x => inputXPath.Contains("ancestor::")
                    && ancestorRegex.Matches(inputXPath).Select(match => match.Groups["path"].Value).Distinct().Any(match => x.EndsWith(match))))
                return true;

            return false;


Thank you for reading. Please fork, explore, contribute and report. Happy Coding !! :)